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CPD purchases more ballistic shields

Columbus, IN, USA / QMIX 107.3
CPD purchases more ballistic shields

Courtesy-Columbus Police Department

COLUMBUS, Ind. – The Columbus Police Department (CPD) recently bought 16 ballistic shields that are being issued to officers across the department’s three patrol shifts as well as to school resource officers.

The shields are designed to be utilized by officers who are responding to emergency calls where additional ballistic protection is needed such as an active shooter or armed robbery. They can also be used for cover while rendering aid and evacuating wounded and injured persons.

The newly acquired shields feature a viewport and are lighter and more maneuverable than their predecessors. Every CPD officer will receive training on the proper use of the shields in the event they would need to be deployed.  

Columbus Chief of Police, Michael Richardson advised, “The safety of our community, as well as our officers, is a top priority. In critical situations, our officers are expected to face unknown dangers head-on and without hesitation. These ballistic shields will provide additional protection for our first responders to quickly respond to high-risk incidents. I would like to thank our Columbus City Council as well as the Mayor’s Office for ensuring that our law enforcement officers have the necessary tools to keep Columbus safe.”