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Local healthcare, education, government organizations unite to kickoff Mental Health Initiative

Columbus, IN, USA / QMIX 107.3

COLUMBUS, Ind. – Community members are invited to attend a kickoff event of a community-wide initiative to improve the mental health system in Bartholomew County for both adults and youth. It will take place on April, 5, at 6 p.m., at The Commons in downtown Columbus.

The free event will include remarks from local leaders and experts in behavioral health, healthcare, education, social service, and local government. Initiative leaders are pleased to welcome keynote speaker, Dr. Marc Brackett, Ph.D., Founding Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and Professor in the Child Study Center at Yale University.

Attendees will also hear from the following local leaders:

  • Jim Lienhoop, Mayor, City of Columbus
  • Carl Lienhoop, Commissioner, Bartholomew County
  • Suzanne Koesel, CEO, Centerstone of Indiana
  • Jim Bickel, CEO, Columbus Regional Health
  • Mark Stewart, Executive Director, United Way of Bartholomew County
  • Jim Roberts, Ph.D., Superintendent, Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation

Recent local, state, and national data underscore the urgent need for action on the rising mental health challenge in Bartholomew County. Each organization and community sector involved in this initiative will be devoting vital resources during the three-year initiative period to understand our current situation locally, identify gaps and best practice solutions that can be adopted and sustained, and begin implementing some of those solutions.

These increased challenges on local residents are also creating new strains on city and county services, schools, healthcare providers, and employers.

Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop said, “By focusing on the system and improving how our community and its residents mitigate and address mental health challenges, we will be creating a healthier, more resilient, and connected community for all.”

Photo provided.