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Illinois secession bill earns Indiana House approval

Columbus, IN, USA / QMIX 107.3
Illinois secession bill earns Indiana House approval

House Speaker Todd Huston addresses chamber on Feb. 20, 2025-Courtesy-Casey Smith/Indiana Capital Chronicle

INDIANAPOLIS – Discussions on a bill that could prompt 33 Illinois counties to secede — and instead become part of Indiana — will continue in the Senate after House lawmakers approved the proposal 69-25 on Thursday.

Republican House Speaker Todd Huston’s proposal would create an Indiana-Illinois Boundary Adjustment Commission to explore the secession and transfer of counties that have already voted to leave that state.

Huston maintained Thursday that House Bill 1008, part of the majority caucus’ priority agenda, seeks to show disgruntled Illinois residents that Hoosiers “welcome” those counties to join Indiana.

Since 2020, almost three dozen Illinois counties have passed “advisory referenda” to secede from the Prairie State, with seven of those votes occurring in the November election.

“We’d love to have you. We always think it’s better to grow than to meet the alternative,” Huston said.

Read more of the Casey Smith story for the Indiana Capital Chronicle, here.