Grand in Your Hand
Listen for the 4 different keywords everyday at APPROXIMATELY 10:10, 12:10, 2:10, and 4:10 (give or take 5-10 minutes). Once you hear the keyword, enter it on our website to increase your chances of winning in this national contest! 2 $1,000 winners will be selected every Friday afternoon through Feb. 14, 2025.

Thoroughbred Express Drive at 5 Giveaway
Register to win a $50 Thoroughbred Express Gift Card every Tuesday at 5pm with Chelsea’s Drive at 5 Giveaway!
Click to learn more!
QMIX Tropical Smoothie Breakfast Club
Get your office going with breakfast for up to 10 people courtesy of Tropical Smoothie Cafe! Fill out THIS form and listen every Monday morning with the Q Wake Up Crew – they could be announcing your name as the latest Tropical Smoothie Cafe Breakfast Club winner!
QMIX Impossible Question!
Test your knowledge and every weekday morning with the QMIX Impossible Question. Every weekday morning at 7:10 on the Q Wake Up Crew.