Listen to the Q Wake-Up Crew every weekday morning at 7:10 for the
QMIX Impossible Question!
Think you know the answer? Call us at 812-378-1073
If you guess correctly, you’ll score a $25 gift card to Columbus Nutrition
Happy Memory Day! What part of the brain is essential for memory?
Winner: Jennifer!
March 21, 2025
Happy Memory Day! What part of the brain is essential for memory?
March 19, 2025
There are companies that charge up to $30K to help you pick what?
A baby name
March 18, 2025
There are more YouTube channels about what topic more than anything else?
March 17, 2025
The American St. Patrick’s Day tradition of green beer stretches back over 100 years. A 1914 news article cited what ingredient as the source of the green color?
“Wash blue,” a laundry whitener. (Don’t worry. People use food coloring now!)
March 14, 2025
The Ides of March refers to what historical event?
Et tu Brute? The assassination of Julius Caesar
March 13, 2025
Men are more anxious when it comes to doing what?
Going to the dentist
March 11, 2025
Before we could speak, we could do what?
March 10, 2025
A survey finds that 32 percent of adult Americans never do what?
March 7, 2025
Happy National Flapjack Day! If you’re in the United Kingdom and you ask for a flapjack, what will you get?
Something similar to a granola bar
March 6, 2025
What adjective is most used when people describe a food they like?
March 5, 2025
Happy Lent! According to (the epitome of Google research haha) what is the #1 thing people give up for Lent?
Happy Lent! According to (the epitome of Google research haha) what is the #1 thing people give up for Lent?
March 4, 2025
25 million pounds of what are used during Mardi Gras?
March 3, 2025
Who has won the most Oscars?
Walt Disney
February 27, 2025
It’s National Pokemon Day! Where is the main character Ash from?
Pallet Town
February 26, 2025
It’s National Fairytale Day! What is the oldest known fairytale?
The Smith and the Devil
February 25, 2025
What is only the US state that can be spelled using only one row of the keyboard?
February 24, 2025
In 2010, what became America’s favorite snack?
Tortilla chips
February 21, 2025
It’s actress Sophie Turner’s birthday today. What was the name of her character’s direwolf on the TV show Game of Thrones?
February 20, 2025
In the 19th century, what kind of pie was eaten for breakfast?
Cherry pie
February 19, 2025
It’s National Arabian Horse Day. What well known actor was known for raising Arabian horses?
Patrick Swayze
February 18, 2025
This makeup item sometimes contains fish scales. What is it?
February 17, 2025
Who was the first president to be sworn in by his nickname?
Jimmy Carter
February 14, 2025
From where was the oldest-known Valentine’s Day message sent?
February 13, 2025
It’s Galentine’s Day! Who invented it?
Leslie Knope from Parks & Recreation TV show
February 12, 2025
According to Roman mythology, who is the son of Mercury and Venus?
February 11, 2025
Men spend about 42 minutes more doing this each week than women do. What is it?
February 10, 2025
Though they’ve been to four Super Bowls, which team has never held a lead?
Minnesota Vikings
February 7, 2025
According to 63% of people surveyed, what is the most requested food at a Super Bowl Party
Pepperoni Pizza
February 6, 2025
The average person will turn this on and off four times a day. What is it?
Their car
February 5, 2025
The most recurring dreams include: #1 falling and #2 being chased. What is #3?
Being back in school
February 4, 2025
It’s National Homemade Soup Day! According to Martha Stewart, what is the most popular soup recipe?
French Onion Soup
February 3, 2025
Supposedly, what cake did George Washington love the most?
Carrot cake
January 31, 2025
79% of Americans say they can’t find a good and trustworthy one of these. What is it?
January 30, 2025
Jim Henson is the creator of what beloved cast of characters?
The Muppets
January 29, 2025
What tiny creature has ears in its belly?
January 28, 2025
Survey says America loves what cheese the most?
January 27, 2025
Happy National Chocolate Cake Day! According to some sources, what famous Frenchman was the first to try chocolate cake?
Napoleon Bonaparte
January 24, 2025
The average adult eats what kind of sandwich at least 3x a month?
January 23, 2025
It’s National Pie Day! Here in Indiana, what’s the most popular pie?
January 22, 2025
It’s National Blond Brownie Day! What is the difference between a blondie and a brownie?
Brownies made with chocolate, blondie with brown sugar
January 21, 2025
It’s Squirrel Appreciation Day! What is the name of the dog from the movie Up famous for saying “Squirrel!”
January 20, 2025
What was MLK Jr awarded in 1964?
Nobel Peace Prize
January 17, 2025
It’s National Bootlegger Day! The opposite of bootleggers, people who were in support of Prohibition were known as what?
January 16, 2025
66% of men keep what from their childhood?
Baseball glove
January 15, 2025
What kind of dessert was served at James Madison’s second inauguration?
Strawberry ice cream
January 14, 2025
The average phone call contains 6% of what?
January 13, 2025
What is the name of the game you can play at Cracker Barrel?
Peg Solitaire or Hi-Q
January 10, 2025
Almost all of us have this board game and it’s usually in the closet.
January 9, 2054
Research says that old people are what more than anyone else?
January 8, 2025
Realtors say your house will sell quicker if the door is painted what color?
January 7, 2025
In what film was the snow on-set created by a snow machine that uses treated sewage water, on loan from the city of Los Angeles?
Snow Day
January 3, 2025
What is the number one food people are allergic to?
January 2, 2025
It’s National Science Fiction Day! What is thought to be the first ever science fiction novel?
December 31, 2024
More than 1 ton of what is used in Times Square at New Year’s Eve?
December 30, 2024
What New Year’s Resolution is the most popular?
Saving money
December 27, 2024
It’s National Fruitcake Day! What ancient civilization invented fruitcake?
December 26, 2024
What is the #1 bestselling non-chocolate candy in December?
Candy canes
December 23, 2024
What was the day before Christmas Eve sometimes referred to as?
Christmas Adam
December 18, 2024
More than 43% of Americans admit to giving this kind of gift.
Gifts they already own
December 17, 2024
It’s National Wright Brothers Day. We all know they invented the airplane. What were their first names?
Orville and Wilbur
December 16, 2024
Who composed the Nutcracker soundtrack?
December 13, 2024
It is National Hot Cocoa Day! What is the difference between hot cocoa and hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate is melted chocolate while hot cocoa is cocoa powder mixed with water or milk.
December 12, 2024
It’s National Poinsettia Day! What is the top-growing poinsettia state in the US?
December 11, 2024
What US President made Christmas a national holiday?
Ulysses S Grant
December 10, 2024
What is the traditional system that is used in libraries to find a particular book?
Dewey decimal system
December 9, 2024
On average we say this phrase about 3x a day.
I’m tired
December 6, 2024
What fruit is St. Nicholas known for bringing Dutch children?
December 5, 2024
What made Frosty the Snowman come to life?
An old silk hat
December 4, 2024
Dogs actually hate it when you do what?
Hug them
December 3, 2024
What is the longest running TV show according to IMdb?
The Simpsons
December 2, 2024
Your heart stops when your body does what?
November 27, 2024
USA is not the only country to celebrate Thanksgiving. Canada, Saint Lucia, Norfolk Islands and what other country also celebrate?
November 26, 2024
The Greeks started what common birthday tradition?
Putting candles on the cake
November 25, 2024
What state raises the most turkeys?
November 22, 2024
Ag is the chemical symbol for what element on the periodic table?
November 21, 2024
What fairytale made gingerbread houses popular?
Hansel and Gretel
November 20, 2024
6 in 10 parents say they have done this for their kids.
Lost a game on purpose
November 19, 2024
There are over 300 versions of what popular board game?
November 18, 2024
It’s Mickey Mouse’s 95th birthday! What was his original name?
November 15, 2024
You should clean what every three to four months?
Refrigerator (it’s national clean out your refrigerator day)
November 14, 2024
It’s National Pickle Day. Who coined the term “in a pickle”?
November 13, 2024
Nearly 70% of people say having what in the office makes their job better?
November 12, 2024
Americans eat more than 10 billion bowls of what?
November 11, 2024
It’s National Sundae Day! USA is credited with inventing the sundae, what country is credited with inventing ice cream?
November 8, 2024
The most expensive what costs approximately $400 a pound?
Coffee (its called Kopi Luwak)
November 7, 2024
7 in 10 adults haven’t had a new what in the last 5 years?
November 6, 2024
Research says you can fall asleep faster if you’re wearing what?
Warm socks
November 5, 2024
What day of the week is considered the most stressful?
November 4, 2024
61% of women do this when they get home from work.
Change into comfy clothes
November 1, 2024
According to a survey, 3/4 of people say you shouldn’t do this more than three times at a restaurant?
Go up to an all you can eat buffet
October 31, 2024
Name the movie based on this theme song.
October 29, 2024
A group of what baby animal is called a kindle?
October 28, 2024
Backrub was the original name of what thing that we use multiple times a day?
October 25, 2024
What famous literary monster is actually a vegetarian?
October 24, 2024
What famous 80s movie script sold for $1?
The Terminator
October 23, 2024
Happy National Horror Movie Day. What is considered the scariest horror movie of all time?
Exorcist (1973)
October 22, 2024
A quarter of all the bones in your body are located where?
Your feet
October 21, 2024
What rock song did Marty McFly play at his parents’ prom in the first film?
Johnny B Goode
October 18, 2024
62% of people are overwhelmed trying to keep up with what?
October 17, 2024
According to Walmart, what animal is the most popular pet costume?
October 16, 2024
90% of women said they would rather have what than $1M?
Their pet
October 15, 2024
In all 50 states, there is a town named after what president?
October 14, 2024
What are the names of three ships Columbus sailed on to the New World?
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
September 27, 2024
60% of women have dumped a man because he did too much of what?
September 26, 2024
The first vending machine in the US dispensed what?
September 25, 2024
What popular retail store will hire 100K seasonal employees?
September 24, 2024
57% of people think what is in their homes?
September 23, 2024
In a survey, 16 was found to be the average age when people tried what for the first time?
September 20, 2024
An estimated 100,000 people go to the emergency room a year for trying to clean what?
Their ears
September 19, 2024
Only 1% of what food will actually be eaten in the US?
September 18, 2024
What word is the most spoken word on the planet?
September 13, 2024
According to a study, what is the main reason women don’t go to the gym?
September 12, 2024
US drivers spend 51 hours a year doing what?
Being stuck in traffic
September 11, 2024
30% of dating app users have what in common?
They’re married
September 10, 2024
What movie did James Earl Jones play a blind former baseball player with a dog named Hercules?
September 9, 2024
What modern, mainstream device came out in 2007?
September 6, 2024
Cynophobia is a fear of what animal?
September 5, 2024
Americans eat 350 slices of what per second?
September 4, 2024
National Blended Spice Day. How many types of cinnamon are there?
September 3, 2024
3000 people are every year injured after tripping over what?
Laundry basket
August 30, 2024
It’s National College Football Colors Day. What color is associated with the most wins?
August 29, 2024
Elbert Hubbard coined what phrase about yellow fruit?
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
August 28, 2024
Super Sentai was the inspiration for what popular 90s TV show?
Power Rangers
August 27, 2024
What tiny creature can fly higher than Mt. Everest?
August 26, 2024
Frank Epperson created what frozen treat back in 1905?
August 23, 2024
Around the world each week, roughly 5,200 people are injured by what?
August 22, 2024
Despite government efforts to make them simpler, nearly 8 in 10 adults say these are still confusing
Food Labels
August 21, 2024
What is Taylor Swift’s middle name?
August 20, 2024
Happy National Radio Day! The first sports broadcast over radio was in 1921 between what two baseball teams?
NY Giants and Yankees
August 19, 2024
By 2030, scientists believe tourists will be visiting where on a daily basis?
Outer space
August 16, 2024
Professional athletes used to do what to earn extra money in the off-season?
August 15, 2024
According to a survey, 55% of golfers struggle with what?
Back pain
August 14, 2024
A survey finds that 80 percent of us think we would win what elementary school contest?
Spelling Bee
August 13, 2024
Men’s Health expert says doing what first thing in the morning is actually not good for your health.
Hitting snooze
August 12, 2024
Research shows that needlessly using big words makes people think you are unintelligent. What Robin Williams and Matt Damon movie has a scene that demonstrates this?
Good Will Hunting
August 9, 2024
Research shows that doctors do what for about 11 seconds?
Listen to their patients
August 8, 2024
According to a survey, the United States ranks fifth in the number of kids who eat what?
August 7, 2024
What entertainment item will be obsolete in 10 years?
August 6, 2024
It’s national Root Beer Float Day! Which brand of root beer is the number one best seller?
August 5, 2024
We do what special thing just for us three times a week?
Treat ourselves
August 2, 2024
What planet is the only one to spin clockwise?
August 1, 2024
Google Images was created because of what celebrity?
Jennifer Lopez
July 31, 2024
According to a survey, what footwear is the top trending fashion item?
Cowboy boots
July 30, 2024
This Ohio amusement park is ranked the best in the nation after Disney and Universal.
Cedar Point
July 29, 2024
According to a survey, Hoosiers think what card game is the most confusing?
July 26, 2024
What is the most watched summer Olympics sport?
July 25, 2024
What delicious American treat was invented in a Los Angeles parlor in 1906?
Hot fudge sundae
July 24, 2024
Indiana is the ninth most picturesque state to do what?
July 23, 2024
What is a single strand of spaghetti called?
July 22, 2024
A memory describes a group of what large animal?
July 15, 2024
A study shows parents let their children eat more sugar during what time of the year?
July 12, 2024
Residents from what state are most interested in taking road trips?
July 11, 2024
The average adult will spend approximately 416 days of their life in what room in the house?
July 10, 2024
What did the Hollywood sign in LA used to say?
July 9, 2024
Out of the millions of cardinals in the US, an estimated 10-15 are what color?
July 8, 2024
It’s National Freezer Pop Day. What is the most popular flavor in Indiana?
July 3, 2024
Happy almost Independence Day! Francis Scott Key wrote what well known song?
Star Spangled Banner
July 2, 2024
The average person only has five what in their refrigerator?
July 1, 2024
It’s summer and lots of families will spend a combined 23 hours doing what?
Road trip/in the car
June 28, 2024
What is the most purchased food item for Fourth of July?
Corn on the cob
June 27, 2024
A study found that this hobby has a similar effect to meditation.
June 26, 2024
What animal sleeps while holding hands?
June 25, 2024
The first oranges weren’t orange–what color were they?
June 24, 2024
Lunar Larry was the name of what famous Disney/Pixar character?
Buzz Lightyear
June 21, 2024
National smoothie day! What is the most common flavor of smoothie?
Banana and strawberry
June 20, 2024
Today is the summer solstice. What landmark is associated with the summer solstice?
June 19, 2024
What stand alone movie is the most rewatched?
Wizard of Oz
June 18, 2024
A survey says men are more likely to do what on company time than women?
Fall asleep
June 17, 2024
National Mascot Day. What animal is the most common mascot?
June 14, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the most common Father’s Day activity?
June 13, 2024
THE QUESTION: What fast food restaurant is credited with introducing the first modern-day drive-thru window?
THE Wendy’s
June 12, 2024
THE QUESTION: The Olympics are coming up in Paris. In what Spanish city was the Eiffel Tower originally supposed to go?
THE ASNWER: Barcelona
June 11, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s wedding season. What flower is most commonly used in June weddings?
June 10, 2024
THE QUESTION: Where in America is the #1 summer break destination according to Tripadvisor?
June 7, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s National VCR Day. What does VCR stand for.
THE ANSWER: Videocassette Recorder
June 6, 2024
THE QUESTION: A study says that it absolutely doesn’t matter to our bodies what time we do what?
THE ANSWER: Eat our meals
June 5, 2024
THE QUESTION: A study says that it absolutely doesn’t matter to our bodies what time we do what?
THE ANSWER: Eat our meals
June 4, 2024
THE QUESTION: One-third of adults sleep with what?
THE ANSWER: A comfort item
June 3, 2024
THE QUESTION: The world’s oldest what lived to be 38 years old?
May 31, 2024
THE QUESTION: Apple pie actually isn’t American at all. The first recorded apple pie was made in what country?
May 30, 2024
THE QUESTION: Nickolodeon show iCarly’s school set was also used in what popular 90s TV show?
THE ANSWER: Saved by the Bell
May 29, 2024
THE QUESTION: What candy bar used to come in three different flavors?
THE ANSWER: Three Musketeers
May 28, 2024
THE QUESTION: Cherophobia is the fear of what?
May 24, 2024
THE QUESTION: Memorial Day is for remembering those who lost their lives while defending our country. A good movie to watch for that is Saving Private Ryan. What actor played Private Ryan?
THE ANSWER: Matt Damon
May 23, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the name of Sherlock Holmes’s brother?
May 22, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s very lightning-y today, so what country gets hit the most by lightning. Hint, it starts with a V.
THE ANSWER: Venezuela
May 21, 2024
THE QUESTION: In the evening, most humans can do what in 7 minutes?
THE ANSWER: Fall asleep
May 20, 2024
THE QUESTION: We all know that flamingos are pink; but what color are they when they’re born?
THE ANSWER: Gray/white
May 17, 2024
THE QUESTION: The people in this state are considered the only ones in America who don’t have an accent.
May 16, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the name of Audrey Hepburn’s character in Breakfast At Tiffany’s?
THE ANSWER: Holly Golightly
May 15, 2024
THE QUESTION: Besides water, what beverage is the most popular worldwide?
May 14, 2024
THE QUESTION: Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people’s what?
THE ANSWER: Opinions
May 13, 2024
THE QUESTION: National Leaping Frog Day. What country was the game of Leap Frog invented in?
May 10, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy National Washington Day! What fruit is Washington known for growing?
May 9, 2024
THE QUESTION: On average, we lose approximately 15 of what clothing item a year?
May 8, 2024
THE QUESTION: What important medicine was once called Mold Juice?
THE ANSWER: Penicillin
May 7, 2024
THE QUESTION: President Ulysses S. Grant was given a $20 ticket for what minor crime?
THE ANSWER: Speeding (on horse and buggy)
May 6, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the name of Phoebe’s evil twin sister in the TV show “Friends”?
May 3, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy National Montana Day! How many national parks are in Montana?
May 2, 2024
THE QUESTION: What brand name is a mix of the words “spice” and “ham”?
April 30, 2024
THE QUESTION: Where were fortune cookies invented?
April 29, 2024
THE QUESTION: What common clothing attachment got its name from the sound it makes when used?
April 26, 2024
THE QUESTION: Which social media platform is the most popular in Indiana?
THE ANSWER: Facebook
April 25, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the full name for DNA?
THE ANSWER: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
April 24, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s New Kids On The Block day. What was the original name for the band?
THE ANSWER: Nynuck (Na-nook)
April 23, 2024
THE QUESTION: National Talk Like Shakespeare Day. What was the name of Shakespeare’s wife?
THE ANSWER: Anne Hathaway
April 22, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the most popular flavor of Jelly Bean?
THE ANSWER: Very Cherry
April 19, 2024
THE QUESTION: In North Dakota, it’s illegal to fall asleep while wearing what?
April 18, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s National Exercise Day. What is the most common reason (excuse) for not exercising?
THE ANSWER: Lack of time
April 17, 2024
THE QUESTION: Football teams wearing what color uniform play better?
April 16, 2024
THE QUESTION: What common condiment was once sold as medicine?
April 15, 2024
THE QUESTION: 112 years ago today, what catastrophe shocked the world nationwide?
THE ANSWER: Titanic sinking
April 12, 2024
THE QUESTION: Between 1920 and 1970, what sandwich was called a Cheese Dream?
THE ANSWER: Grilled Cheese
April 11, 2024
THE QUESTION: What beloved cereal just turned 60-years-old?
THE ANSWER: Lucky Charms
April 10, 2024
THE QUESTION: According to the internet, we spend more time with this family member than anyone else.
April 9, 2024
THE QUESTION: 44% of cat owners say it’s easier to compromise with felines than what?
April 8, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the Term for When the Earth, Sun and Moon Align. It’s not eclipse
April 5, 2024
THE QUESTION: A study says that this beloved beverage preserves good health.
April 4, 2024
THE QUESTION: The average person has at least 14 things on their to do list they’re not doing. What is the most hated chore?
THE ANSWER: Cleaning the bathroom/toilet
April 3, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy National Film Score Day. What is the most recognizable film score? Hint, it’s from a movie franchise?
April 2, 2024
THE QUESTION: The average American will eat 1500 of what kind of sandwich before they turn 18.
April 1, 2024
THE QUESTION: Most Americans clean their homes on what day of the week?
March 29, 2024
THE QUESTION: 78% of people eat what part of the chocolate bunny first?
March 28, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the real name for the hashtag?
THE ANSWER: Octothorpe
March 26, 2024
THE QUESTION: What country is wider than the moon?
THE ANSWER: Australia
March 22, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s National West Virginia Day! Finish the lyrics of this John Denver song: Country Roads…
THE ANSWER: Take Me Home!
March 21, 2024
THE QUESTION: At this very moment 70% of the people driving on U.S. highways are doing what?
THE ANSWER: Speeding
March 20, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s National Proposal Day! Who plays Sandra Bullock’s love interest in the film The Proposal?
THE ANSWER: Ryan Reynolds
March 19, 2024
THE QUESTION: A study says we are better at listening if we physically do what?
THE ANSWER: Close your eyes
March 18, 2024
THE QUESTION: What famous literary monster is actually a vegetarian?
THE ANSWER: Frankenstein’s monster
March 15, 2024
The average person will lose 22 pairs of what?
March 14, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy Pi Day! Which of the 7 wonders of the world is thought to be created using the principles of Pi?
THE ANSWER: The pyramids of Giza
March 13, 2024
THE QUESTION: More money is spent on what outdoor hobby than any other?
THE ANSWER: Gardening
March 12, 2024
THE QUESTION: 200 Million boxes of what are sold each year?
THE ANSWER: Girl Scout cookies
March 11, 2024
THE QUESTION: What is the nickname of legendary figure John Chapman, known for wearing a tin pot on his head?
THE ANSWER: Johnny Appleseed
March 8, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s National Oregon Day! What is the last name of the family who was traveling to Oregon in the TV show 1883?
March 7, 2024
THE QUESTION: What fruit grows upside down?
March 6, 2024
THE QUESTION: Ironically, what animal is actually lactose intolerant?
March 5, 2024
THE QUESTION: What fast food restaurant once made bubblegum flavored broccoli?
March 4, 2024
THE QUESTION: On average, what airline company cancels the most flights?
THE ANSWER: Southwest
March 1, 2024
THE QUESTION: On average a person spends 12 hours a week planning what?
February 29, 2024
THE QUESTION: What well-known historical figure introduced Leap Day?
THE ANSWER: Julius Caesar
February 28, 2024
THE QUESTION: According to a survey, bosses are most receptive to requests from their employees on what day of the week?
THE ANSWER: Wednesday
February 27, 2024
THE QUESTION: German chocolate cake was actually invented in what southern state in America?
February 26, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy National Tell A Fairytale Day. What is the most well-known fairytale in the world?
THE ANSWER: Cinderella
February 23, 2024
THE QUESTION: What movie is “You had me at hello” from?
THE ANSWER: Jerry Maguire
February 22, 2024
THE QUESTION: Due to its population, you are likely to know at least one person who lives in what state?
THE ANSWER: California
February 21, 2024
In 2023, on average people were paying $6.23 for what?
February 20, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy National Muffin Day! What is the most popular type of muffin in America?
ANSWER: Blueberry
February 19, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s President’s Day, the third Monday in February; who was the third president of the United States?
THE ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson
February 16, 2024
THE QUESTION: There are parts of what continent in all four hemispheres?
February 15, 2024
THE QUESTION: Barbie hails from Willows, a town in what state?
THE ANSWER: Wisconsin, It’s National Wisconsin Day!
February 14, 2024
THE QUESTION: Approximately 250 million what are produced for Valentine’s Day each year?
February 13, 2024
THE QUESTION: Research shows that it takes, on average, 30% longer to tell a fib than to be honest. What was the name of Jim Carey’s character in the movie “Liar Liar”?
THE ANSWER: Fletcher Reede
February 12, 2024
THE QUESTION: 29% of people say the day after what major event should be a holiday?
ANSWER: Super Bowl
February 9, 2024
THE QUESTION: Roman numerals were first used in what Super Bowl?
THE ANSWER: Super Bowl V (Five)
February 8th, 2024
What state is known as the Hawkeye State?
February 7th, 2024
THE QUESTION: It’s February 7 and it’s National Periodic Table Day; what is the 7th element on the periodic table? Hint, its chemical symbol is N.
THE ANSWER: Nitrogen
February 6th, 2024
THE QUESTION: For Super Bowl Sunday, enough of what food will be consumed to stretch the length of the Grand Canyon?
THE ANSWER: Frozen pizza
February 5th, 2024
THE QUESTION: What fruit takes about 2 years to grow?
The ANSWER: Pineapple
February 2nd, 2024
THE QUESTION: Happy Groundhog’s Day! What is the name of the original groundhog?
THE ANSWER: Punxsutawney Phil
July 7th
THE QUESTION: 60% of men and 30% of women say color is the deciding factor when it comes to buying this?
THE ANSWER: Vehicle!
July 6th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Fried Chicken Day! What comes in a classic 8 piece bucket from Kentucky Fried Chicken?
THE ANSWER: 2 legs, 2 thighs, 2 wings, 2 breasts
July 5th
THE QUESTION: A survey says 44% of us think the smell of this is relaxing?
July 4th
THE QUESTION: Which holiday is the one American’s are most likely to get off with pay? 😉
THE ANSWER: Independence Day!
July 2nd
THE QUESTION: 35% of people have grilled this vegetable?
July 1st
THE QUESTION: Only 2 men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. Name one of them? (The rest of the guys signed throughout the month)
THE ANSWER: Charles Thompson & John Hancock
June 30th
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream! (Stop screaming!)
June 29th
THE QUESTION: According to a new poll you should never use more than 3 of these at a time?
June 28th
THE QUESTION: What US state has the longest coastline?
THE ANSWER: Alaska! (Happy National Alaska Day!)
June 27th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent survey, we think the worst thing about being outside in the summer is sweating. What comes in 2nd?
June 24th
THE QUESTION: The average person spends about 26 minutes a day doing this?
THE ANSWER: Texting!
June 23rd
THE QUESTION: 83 % of parents think it’s important for their child to learn to do this?
THE ANSWER: Play an instrument!
June 22nd
THE QUESTION: 33% of people say they will attend one of these this summer?
THE ANSWER: Fireworks Show!
June 21st
THE QUESTION: According to a survey the #1 bad dream we have is this?
THE ANSWER: Falling!
June 20th
THE QUESTION: 70% of people say they can’t sleep with one of these in the room?
June 17th
THE QUESTION: On average we get about 16 of these per week?
THE ANSWER: Spam Calls!
June 16th
THE QUESTION: Men are 11 times more likely to brag about this part of their home than women?
THE ANSWER: The lawn!
June 15th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent survey your dad’s #1 pet peeve is changing the tv, what’s #2?
THE ANSWER: Touching the thermostat!
June 14th
THE QUESTION: 4% of people never ride one of these everyday things, out of fear?
THE ANSWER: Escalator!
June 13th
THE QUESTION: According to NASA we’ve put 6 of these on the moon?
June 10th
THE QUESTION: About 85% of this served in the US is served over ice?
THE ANSWER: Tea! (Now… sweet or unsweet?)
June 9th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 7 prefer their pizza like this?
June 8th
THE QUESTION: Apparently only 1 in 4 of these that we get are actually important?
June 7th
THE QUESTION: What does DNA stand for?
THE ANSWER: Deoxyribonucleic acid!
June 3rd
THE QUESTION: 44% of women say men should not wear one of these at work?
June 1st
THE QUESTION: The average temperature of this is 105 degrees?
May 31st
THE QUESTION: About 29% of us have a broken one of these right now?
THE ANSWER: Phone Screen!
May 27th
THE QUESTION: 75% of millennials think they can do this better than their parents?
THE ANSWER: Barbecue!
May 26th
THE QUESTION: The longest flight for one of these is 27.6 seconds?
THE ANSWER: Paper Airplane!
May 25th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Wine Day! Wine is considered to come in 5 colors. Red, White, Pink, Orange and _____ ?
May 24th
THE QUESTION: This food is eaten outside of the home 80% of the time?
THE ANSWER: French Fries!
May 23rd
THE QUESTION: According to a survey people are 50% more likely to believe in this than trust the government?
May 20th
THE QUESTION: 13 % of people have hit this while driving?
THE ANSWER: The Garage!
May 19th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent survey this is the most famous show set in Indiana?
THE ANSWER: Stranger Things!
May 18th
THE QUESTION: According to a poll 64% of us do this right after a vacation?
THE ANSWER: Call in sick!
May 17th
THE QUESTION: What is the only mammal that can fly?
May 16th
THE QUESTION: About 70% of Americans own one of this?
THE ANSWER: Grill! (It’s National Barbecue Day!)
May 13th
THE QUESTION: For a month to have a Friday the 13th in it, what day of the week must it start on?
May 12th
THE QUESTION: How many lines are in a limerick?
THE ANSWER: 5! (Its National Limerick Day!)
May 11th
THE QUESTION: What is the #1 choice for Americans when it comes to snacking?
THE ANSWER: Cookies! (Chips came in 2nd place)
May 10th
THE QUESTION: What search engine was originally named BackRub?
May 9th
THE QUESTION: Most new employees start doing this within 3 months?
THE ANSWER: Job searching!
May 6th
THE QUESTION: Teens spend approximately $1500 on this?
May 5th
THE QUESTION: 3 in 5 say this work task is the most frustrating?
THE ANSWER: Returning Email!
May 4th
THE QUESTION: 35% of moms say they want this for Mother’s Day?
THE ANSWER: Quality Time!
May 3rd
THE QUESTION: 35% of adults said they’d like to have this appliance in their car?
THE ANSWER: Refrigerator!
May 2nd
THE QUESTION: This is the only US state with only one syllable?
APRIL 29th
THE QUESTION: 10 % of couple have considered splitting up because one of them does this?
APRIL 28th
THE QUESTION: 92% of us have at least one type of this in our fridge right now?
APRIL 27th
THE QUESTION: 52% of Americans plan to do this when it warms up?
APRIL 26th
THE QUESTION: 35% of us have cut out one of these to save money?
THE ANSWER: Streaming service!
APRIL 25th
THE QUESTION: 90% of women plan most of this while they’re at work?
THE ANSWER: Wedding!
APRIL 22nd
THE QUESTION: The average person creates about 5lbs of this per day?
APRIL 21st
THE QUESTION: 65% of women don’t trust their husbands to work on this?
THE ANSWER: Their car!
APRIL 20th
THE QUESTION: On average we open this 79 times a day?
APRIL 19th
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey this brand ranked #1 with teens as favorite clothing and footwear?
April 18th
THE QUESTION: On average 8 is the age parents start letting kids do this?
THE ANSWER: Sleepovers!
April 15th
THE QUESTION: America’s favorite Easter Candy is the Cadbury Creme Egg. What’s our second favorite?
THE ANSWER: Reese Eggs
April 14th
THE QUESTION: Over 50% of adults say they eat more of this now than they did as a child?
April 13th
THE QUESTION: 56% of Americans don’t know when this deadline is? It’s coming up!
THE ANSWER: Tax Deadline
April 12th
THE QUESTION: Nearly 47% of American families have one, and only one, of these?
April 11th
THE QUESTION: Its National Pet Day! 69 million Americans have a dog in their family and 5 million have one of these?
THE ANSWER: Reptile!
April 8th
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey of teens they voted Tik Tok as their favorite form of social media. What was their least favorite?
THE ANSWER: Twitter!
April 7th
THE QUESTION: The average American spends about an hour a day doing this?
THE ANSWER: Housework!
April 6th
THE QUESTION: 25% of people say they HAVE to call this person once a week?
THE ANSWER: Themselves! (We do be losing our phones)
April 5th
THE QUESTION: 7 in 10 people say this family member is their best friend?
THE ANSWER: Their dog!
April 4th
THE QUESTION: Most people choose red as their favorite of these and black as their least favorite?
THE ANSWER: Jelly Beans!
April 1
THE QUESTION: What is the name the US Mint officially calls the penny?
THE ANSWER: One Cent Piece
March 31st
THE QUESTION: Al Gore is 74 today! What did he claim to invent?
THE ANSWER: The internet!
March 30th
THE QUESTION: 61% of adults say they do this at least once every morning?
THE ANSWER: Hit Snooze!
March 29th
THE QUESTION: The #1 Baby item experts say to buy used is this?
THE ANSWER: Clothes!
March 28th
THE QUESTION: Americas Top 3 favorite veggies are Broccoli, Carrots, and what?
THE ANSWER: Spinach!
March 25th
THE QUESTION: A study says 35% of us admit to doing this while watching TV?
THE ANSWER: We yell at it!
March 24th
March 23rd
THE QUESTION: Puppies spend 12-15 hours a day doing what?
THE ANSWER: Sleeping!
March 22nd
THE QUESTION: 2/3 of men and 1/3 of women consistently lie to this person?
THE ANSWER: Their doctor!
March 21st
THE QUESTION: Nearly 25% of people find this sign of Spring annoying?
THE ANSWER: Birds chirping!
March 18th
THE QUESTION: 34% of US households have one of these in the kitchen?
March 17th
THE QUESTION: The shamrock and THIS musical instrument are associated with Ireland?
March 16th
THE QUESTION: 42% of parents returning to in-person work say they will miss this more than their kids?
March 15th
THE QUESTION: 56% of us plan to start our spring cleaning with this room?
THE ANSWER: Bathroom!
March 14th
THE QUESTION: Health experts say we should wash these 2-3 times per year but most people never do it?
THE ASNWER: pillows!
March 11th
THE QUESTION: We do this all the time now but the first time it was done was over 180 years ago?
THE ANSWER: Take a selfie!
March 10th
THE QUESTION: 41% of Elementary students bring this to school with them everyday?
March 9th
THE QUESTION: Almost 40% of people admit to doing this when they use someone else’s bathroom?
March 8th
THE QUESTION: This state has the most ghost towns of any other?
March 7th
THE QUESTION: 50% of Americans eat this for breakfast every single day?
March 4th
THE QUESTION: 68% of us say we reach for a snack because we’re feeling ______ ?
THE ANSWER: Stressed!
March 3rd
THE QUESTION: Grilled cheese is America’s favorite sandwich. What comes in 2nd place?
March 2nd
THE QUESTION: 50% of dog owners say their dog loves to do this?
March 1st
THE QUESTION: 35% of people say they get up and do this when they can’t sleep?
THE ANSWER: Have a snack!
February 28th
THE QUESTION: According to your vet this is the most common non-food item consumed by your pets?
THE ANSWER: Laundry!
February 17th
THE QUESTION: 24% of people have cried over a bad one of these?
THE ANSWER: Haircut!
February 16th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent poll the average parent thinks 12 is the perfect age for this?
THE ANSWER: Getting a cellphone!
February 15th
THE QUESTION: 5% of people did THIS yesterday?
THE ANSWER: They broke up!
February 14th
THE QUESTION: 82% of Americans say they fell in love at first sight with this family member?
February 11th
THE QUESTION: 40% of football fans say this part of the Superbowl takes too long?
THE ANSWER: Half-Time show!
February 10th
THE QUESTION: What name does Harrison Silcox (formerly of the Q Wake Up Crew) say he will give his first born?
THE ANSWER: Tom Brady! (Bye Harrison!)
February 9th
THE QUESTION: The average person eats about 46 pieces of this per year?
February 8th
THE QUESTION: On average you consume just over 8,000 calories when you attend one of these?
THE ANSWER: Super Bowl Party!
February 7th
THE QUESTION: 43% of people say they’ve dumped someone because they were bad at this?
THE ANSWER: Cooking!
February 3rd
THE QUESTION: The US uses more than 22 million tons of this each winter?
THE ANSWER: Road salt!
February 2nd
THE QUESTION: The #1 thing adults say we forget is where we put this?
February 1st
THE QUESTION: Name this dessert made with ice cream, sponge cake, and topped with browned meringue?
THE ANSWER: Baked Alaska!
January 31st
THE QUESTION: 80% of married couples say this was a bigger deal before they got married?
THE ANSWER: Valentines Day!
January 28th
THE QUESTION: What does the ‘Fi’ in Wi-Fi stand for?
THE ANSWER: Fidelity!
January 27th
THE QUESTION: 50% of those who watch what they eat say this is the unhealthy food they choose the most?
January 26th
THE QUESTION: 60% of adults say they can’t make it through the day without some of this?
January 25th
THE QUESTION: Surprisingly, people buy sunglasses in this city more often than any other?
THE ANSWER: Seattle!
January 24th
THE QUESTION: In 2019 this guy became the longest running game show host of all time?
THE ANSWER: Pat Sajak!
January 21st
THE QUESTION: 36% of Americans say that proposing HERE is tacky?
THE ANSWER: A sporting event!
January 20th
THE QUESTION: 2/3 of American drivers admit they are confused by this?
THE ANSWER: Basic road signs!
January 19th
THE QUESTION: Americans consume 13 billion quarts of popcorn per year. 70% of it is eaten where?
January 18th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Winnie the Pooh Day! Where does Pooh Bear live?
THE ANSWER: Hundred Acre Woods
January 17th
THE QUESTION: 86% of parents say this milestone is the most rewarding?
THE ANSWER: When their child learns to walk!
January 14th
THE QUESTION: 35% of people say that have superstitions they HAVE to follow during this?
THE ANSWER: The Super Bowl!
January 13th
THE QUESTION: 85% of kids and 10% of adults will eat this during the winter months?
January 12th
THE QUESTION: 46% of people say they do this at work to avoid talking to people?
THE ANSWER: Wear headphones!
January 11th
THE QUESTION: 3% of Americans DO NOT like this?
THE ANSWER: Spaghetti!
January 10th
THE QUESTION: 46% of people say they do this at work to avoid getting out of talking to people?
THE ANSWER: Wear Headphones!
January 7th
THE QUESTION: On average this gets opened about 280 times a week at your house?
THE ANSWER: The Fridge!
January 6th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Bean Day! Name one of the top 5 beans grown in the US?
THE ANSWER: Pinto, Navy, Great Northern, Red Kidney, & Black
January 5th
THE QUESTION:1 in 5 people say they never eat this?
January 3rd
THE QUESTION: 73% of people who made New Years Resolutions included this?
THE ANSWER: Fitness Goals!
December 31st
THE QUESTION: There are 2 foods considered bad luck to eat on New Years Day… Name 1?
THE ANSWER: Chicken and Lobster
December 30th
THE QUESTION: More than 2 billion pounds of this is produced each year in the US?
THE ANSWER: Bacon! (Happy National Bacon Day!)
December 29th
THE QUESTION: North Americans throw this fruit away more than any other?
THE ANSWER: Bananas!
December 28th
THE QUESTION: Spades is the most popular card game in the world. What’s second?
December 27th
THE QUESTION: 73% of us have re-gifted this?
THE ANSWER: Candles!
December 24th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 3 men wait until today to do this?
December 23rd
THE QUESTION: Frank Constanza celebrates this holiday today by airing grievances and performing feats of strength?
THE ANSWER: Festivus!
December 22nd
THE QUESTION: 55% of us say this is the hardest present to wrap?
THE ANSWER: Bicycle!
December 21st
THE QUESTION: The average American male buys 4 of these per month?
THE ANSWER: Frozen Pizza!
December 17th
THE QUESTION: 20% of Americans say they have been injured setting this up?
THE ANSWER: Christmas Tree!
December 16th
THE QUESTION: More than 2/5 of us have one of these that’s been passed down to us?
THE ANSWER: Ornament
December 15th
THE QUESTION: The average student eats 1500 of these before the graduate high school?
December 14th
THE QUESTION: 24% of us plan to do this on NYE?
THE ANSWER: Go to a party!
December 13th
THE QUESTION: The average person eats 11.9 pounds of this per year and 26% of us have it at night?
December 10th
THE QUESTION: More than 1/3 of adults have a secret stash of this that their partner doesn’t know about?
December 7th
THE QUESTION: According to science women do this almost three times as much as men?
December 6th
THE QUESTION: 70% of people will include this family member on their Christmas Card?
December 3rd
THE QUESTION: Indiana mandates that these can be used only between the hours of 9 am and 11 pm except on NYE, Memorial Day, & Independence Day?
THE ANSWER: Fireworks!
December 2nd
THE QUESTION: This breed of dog is the most filmed of all time?
THE ANSWER: German Shepard
December 1st
THE QUESTION: 45% of Holiday spending will be on this?
THE ANSWER: Gift Cards!
November 30th
THE QUESTION: John Mason, the creator of Mason jars, also created this?
THE ANSWER: Salt & Pepper shakers!
November 29th
THE QUESTION: 76% of parents say this is the most stressful part of the holidays?
THE ANSWER: Finding the perfect gift!
November 26th
THE QUESTION: 51% of people say this is the worst part of the holidays?
THE ANSWER: wrapping presents!
November 24th
THE QUESTION: Pumpkin is the most popular Thanksgiving pie. What pie comes in second place?
THE ANSWER: Pecan Pie!
November 23rd
THE QUESTION: According to a survey this is the thing we dread the most about attending Thanksgiving Dinner?
THE ANSWER: Fighting Relatives!
November 22nd
THE QUESTION: This singer, born Peter Gene Hernandez, claims he uses this as his stage name because girls always told him he was out of this world?
THE ANSWER: Bruno Mars!
November 18th
THE QUESTION: On this day in 1983 the movie A Christmas Story debuted. What did the main character, Ralphie, want for Christmas?
THE ANSWER: Red Rider BB Gun
November 17th
THE QUESTION: The #1 excuse given for why we’re speeding is we didn’t know. The second most used excuse is?
THE ANSWER: Running late to work!
November 16th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Indiana Day! What is our state’s motto?
THE ANSWER: Crossroads of America!
November 15th
THE QUESTION: How many National Championships does IU Basketball have?
November 9th
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey over 28% of people said this is the Thanksgiving food they hate the most?
November 8th
THE QUESTION: 5% of us will do this for more than 7 days after Thanksgiving?
THE ANSWER: Eat leftovers!
November 7th
THE QUESTION: Over 10 billion of these are made in the US each year?
November 4th
THE QUESTION: On average we did this about 5 times a day 20 years ago. Now… maybe twice a day
THE ANSWER: Talk on the phone!
November 3rd
THE QUESTION: It’s National Sandwich Day! According to a survey this is Indiana’s most iconic sandwich?
THE ANSWER: Tenderloin!
November 2nd
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey by Febreze men said this is their favorite smell?
November 1st
THE QUESTION: These birds can be heard a mile away on a quiet day?
THE ANSWER: Turkeys!
October 29th
THE QUESTION: What was Frankenstein’s monster afraid of?
THE ANSWER: Fire! (It’s National Frankenstein Day!)
October 28th
THE QUESTION: According to the US Census Bureau this is the state that produces the most chocolate?
October 27th
THE QUESTION: According to a survey of singles THIS is the #1 turn off that will NOT get you a second date?
THE ANSWER: Looking at your phone!
October 26th
THE QUESTION: On average these last about 10 days if you set them outside?
THE ANSWER: Jack O’ Lanterns!
October 22nd
THE QUESTION: A recent survey says we says we do this more often than texting while driving and it leads to more accidents!
THE ANSWER: Eating while driving!
October 21st
THE QUESTION: Illinois is the state that grows the most of these?
THE ANSWER: Pumpkins!
October 20th
THE QUESTION: In the original Halloween Michael Myers wears a mask of what actor’s face?
THE ANSWER: William Shatner!
October 19th
THE QUESTION: There are more bourbon barrels than people in what state?
October 18th
THE QUESTION: 52% of us have a specific hiding place for these?
THE ANSWER: presents!
October 15th
THE QUESTION: 8% of potatoes grown in the US end up as these?
October 14th
THE QUESTION: Brach’s produces enough of this candy each year to circle the earth 4 times?
THE ANSWER: Candy Corn!
October 13th
THE QUESTION: Over 1.5 billion pounds of these are grown each year?
THE ANSWER: Pumpkins!
October 12th
THE QUESTION: 72% of women say they are the ones who do this the most?
THE ANSWER: Housework!
October 11th
THE QUESTION: 37% of Americans say they do this while eating dinner together?
October 8th
THE QUESTION: According to a study the first thing we do if we win some money is this?
THE ANSWER: Pay a bill!
October 7th
THE QUESTION: You should replace this every 3-6 months?
THE ANSWER: Toothbrush!
October 6th
THE QUESTION: This physical activity can boost creativity by up to 60%?
THE ANSWER: Walking!
October 5th
THE QUESTION: The average age parents start letting their kids do this is age 12?
THE ANSWER: Watch scary movies!
October 4th
THE QUESTION: What popular fast food chain started as a burger stand but changed their menu completely because of their location?
THE ANSWER: Taco Bell!
October 1st
THE QUESTION: 75% of us eat only one of these types of sandwiches per year?
THE ANSWER: Grilled Cheese!
September 30th
THE QUESTION: 21% of us say our favorite teacher taught this?
September 29th
THE QUESTION: 44% of us say this is what takes up the most storage on our phone?
THE ANSWER: Pictures & videos!
September 28th
THE QUESTION: Garbage people collect over 6400 pounds of your trash each year with most of it consisting of what?
September 27th
THE QUESTION: 2/3 of Americans drink this daily?
September 24th
THE QUESTION: Experts say to do this when it’s 64 degrees inside your house…?
THE ANSWER: Turn on the heat!
September 22nd
THE QUESTION: On average we spend 49 minutes a week deciding on this?
THE ANSWER: What to watch!
September 21st
THE QUESTION: 7 in 10 Americans skip doing this in the mornings so they can sleep in later?
THE ANSWER: Eating Breakfast!
September 20th
THE QUESTION: 70% of us in the US use this website at least once a day?
September 17th
THE QUESTION: 58% of families surveyed say this is the most relaxing part of their day?
THE ANSWER: Dinner time!
September 16th
THE QUESTION: These days fewer than 1 in 5 parents pay for this?
THE ANSWER: Wedding!
September 15th
THE QUESTION: 51% of people will start doing this before Halloween?
THE ANSWER: Christmas shopping!
September 14th
THE QUESTION: 70% of people say they talk to this family member more often than they talk to their partner?
September 13th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Peanut Day! Two former US presidents were peanut farmers. Name one!
THE ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter
September 10th
THE QUESTION: The first official TV Dinner was produced by Swanson in 1954. What kind of meal was it?
THE ANSWER: Thanksgiving! Turkey, dressing, gravy,
September 9th
THE QUESTION: How many squares are on a chess board?
September 8th
THE QUESTION: Babies are born with about 300 bones but not one of these?
THE ANSWER: Kneecaps!
September 7th
THE QUESTION: 53% of American adults say they can’t do 10 of these?
THE ANSWER: Pushups!
September 3rd
THE QUESTION: The M’s in M&M candies are initials. What is one of the names those initials stand for?
THE ANSWER: Mars and Murrie!
August 27th
THE QUESTION: The first individually wrapped candy was introduced in 1896. What was it?
THE ANSWER: Tootsie Roll!
August 26th
THE QUESTION: 1/4 of the bones in our body are located in what body part?
August 25th
THE QUESTION: According to SCIENCE your thermostat should be kept at 60-67 degrees while you do this?
August 24th
THE QUESTION: 80% of Americans claim to be good at this school subject?
THE ANSWER: Spelling!
August 20th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Radio Day! Stations east of the Mississippi River use ‘W’ as the first letter in their call signs. (QMIX 107.3 is WRZQ) What letter do stations west of the Mississippi use?
August 19th
THE QUESTION: The average woman wears about 25% of these?
August 18th
THE QUESTION: On average Americas spend nearly $900 a year HERE on items we are disappointed with?
August 17th
THE QUESTION: About 49% of sales at a thrift shop are from this type of item?
THE ANSWER: Clothing!
August 16th
THE QUESTION: 37% of kids have accidentally left this on the school bus?
THE ANSWER: Back pack!
August 13th
THE QUESTION: 48% of people do this during a Zoom call?
THE ANSWER: Turn off their camera!
August 12th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Middle Child Day! What was the name of Danny Tanner’s middle child on Full House?
THE ANSWER: Stephanie!
August 11th
THE QUESTION: 63% of people say they won’t get a good night’s sleep if they don’t do this before going to bed?
THE ANSWER: Brush their teeth!
August 10th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Lazy Day! What animal moves so slowly that algae can grow on its body?
August 9th
THE QUESTION: USA had the most gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics. Who had the third highest gold medal count?
August 2nd
THE QUESTION: 28% of arguments on road trips are over this?
July 30th
THE QUESTION: It’s Vivica A Fox’s birthday! Where was she born?
THE ANSWER: South Bend, Indiana!
July 29th
THE QUESTION: 28% of delivery drivers admit to doing this?
THE ANSWER: Eating your food!
July 28th
THE QUESTION: When it comes to back to school shopping 19% of parents say they hate spending money on this?
THE ANSWER: Electronics!
July 27th
THE QUESTION: What are the 5 colors of the Olympic Rings?
THE ANSWER: Blue, Black, Green, Yellow, Red
July 26th
THE QUESTION: About 5% of humans have a third one of these?
July 23rd
THE QUESTION: Two popular Winter Olympic events were originally held in the summer Olympics. Name one?
THE ANSWER: Ice Hockey and Figure Skating!
July 21st
THE QUESTION: It’s National Junk Food Day! 4/5 children recognize this logo by the age of 3?
THE ANSWER: Mc Donalds!
July 20th
THE QUESTION: On average you eat this nearly 40 times over the summer?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream!
July 16th
THE QUESTION: 70% of people say they can’t sleep with this in the house?
July 15th
THE QUESTION: A recent study found that this is the most borrowed item?
July 14th
THE QUESTION: According to a study we truly master this skill at the age of 30?
THE ANSWER: Barbecuing!
July 13th
THE QUESTION: It’s National French Fry Day! What was the name of Billy Bob Thornton’s character in Sling Blade that really liked french fried poatoes?
THE ANSWER: Karl Childers!
July 12th
THE QUESTION: 30% of Americans cant remember the last time they upgraded this?
THE ANSWER: Cell phone!
July 9th
THE QUESTION: On a list of the 10 best selling video games of all time, this game was on it twice. Released by Nintendo in 89′ and by EA Mobile in 2006?
July 8th
THE QUESTION: New parents make almost 1800 difficult decisions in a baby’s first year and they say this is the toughest?
THE ANSWER: Picking a name!
July 7th
THE QUESTION: Only 2 states in the US grow coffee. Name 1?
THE ANSWER: California & Hawaii
July 6th
THE QUESTION: This landmark gets 6 inches taller in the summer cause of the heat?
THE ANSWER: Eiffel Tower!
July 3rd
THE QUESTION: Hamburgers are the most popular main dish to have at your 4th of July cookout. What’s the most popular side dish?
July 2nd
THE QUESTION: 17% of people say this is the best way to cook a hotdog?
THE ANSWER: In the microwave!
July 1st
THE QUESTION: Americans spend more than 1 billion dollars on this every year?
THE ANSWER: Fireworks!
June 30th
THE QUESTION: 13% of movie goers NEVER do this when they go to the movies?
THE ANSWER: Get concessions!
June 29th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 4 families say they argue over this chore every week?
THE ANSWER: Mowing the Lawn!
June 28th
THE QUESTION: It’s Paul Bunyon Day! What is the name of his Big Blue Ox?
June 23rd
THE QUESTION: According to a study this is the most returned clothing item with 45% of them getting returned?
THE ANSWER: Swimsuits
June 22nd
THE QUESTION: Today is National HVAC Day! What does HVAC stand for?
THE ANSWER: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning!
June 21st
THE QUESTION: Name one of the three car colors that best hold their value?
THE ANSWER: Beige, Green, and Orange!
June 17th
THE QUESTION: Cheese is our favorite thing to put on a burger… What topping mad e the best and worst toppings list?
THE ANSWER: Pickels!
June 16th
THE QUESTION: Only 30% of people can do this with their face?
THE ANSWER: Flare their nostrils!
June 15th
THE QUESTION: 48% of Americans agree to spend more on this, this summer than on previous years?
THE ANSWER: Vacation! (take me with you!)
June 14th
THE QUESTION: Father’s Day is Sunday!28% of Dads say they only want this for Father’s Day?
June 11th
THE QUESTION: 1/3 of people only eat this on vacation?
June 10th
THE QUESTION: This is the #1 possession we think we have too many of?
June 9th
THE QUESTION: It’s National VCR Day VCR stands for Video Cassette Recorder. What does VHS stand for?
THE ANSWER: Video Home System
June 8th
THE QUESTION: 20% of people find the sound of this to be relaxing?
THE ANSWER: Cicadas!
June 7th
THE QUESTION: It’s National VCR Day! VCR stands for Video Cassette Recorder. What does VHS stand for?
THE ANSWER: Video Home System!
June 4th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 5 people always carry some of this?
June 3rd
THE QUESTION: 3 out of 4 Americans use their phone here?
THE ANSWER: The toilet!
June 2nd
THE QUESTION: 45 million Americans have one of these and 17% wish they didn’t get one?
June 1st
THE QUESTION: On average we do this about 55 times a week at work?
May 28th
THE QUESTION: About 56% of Americans will grill out this Memorial Day weekend. Eating 818 of these per second?
THE ANSWER: Hot dogs!
May 27th
THE QUESTION: 40% of couples say they both do this chore separately
THE ANSWER: Laundry!
May 26th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 5 men say they want to see this hair style make a comeback?
THE ANSWER: The Mullet!
May 25th
THE QUESTION: Who was the first licensed character to appear on a lunch box?
THE ANSWER: Mickey Mouse!
May 24th
THE QUESTION: Siblings between ages 3 & 7 do this 3 1/2 times per hour?
May 21st
THE QUESTION: It’s National Pizza Party Day! Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping. What’s the most popular veggie topping?
THE ANSWER: Mushroom!
May 20th
THE QUESTION: The Friends Reunion Special is scheduled for HBO Max on May 27th… How many times was Ross married and divorced?
May 19th
THE QUESTION: According to a new study this is the germiest thing in your purse?
THE ANSWER: Debit/Credit card!
May 18th
THE QUESTION: The average woman has 7 pairs of these, men have 5?
May 17th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Pack Rat Day! More than 75% of families in the US use this area of the house SOLELY for storage?
THE ANSWER: The Garage!
May 14th
THE QUESTION: The average woman wears this 17 times before washing?
THE ANSWER: Pajamas!
May 13th
THE QUESTION: 41% of dog owners say this is one of their pet peeves when out walking their dog?
THE ANSWER: Strangers petting their dog!
May 12th
THE QUESTION: 36% of people have lied to get out of going to one of these?
THE ANSWER: A wedding!
May 11th
THE QUESTION: The average American now spends 26 minutes a day doing this?
THE ANSWER: Texting!
May 7th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Space Day! Name the planets in order from the sun?
THE ANSWER: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune!
May 6th
THE QUESTION: In Indiana we are most likely to get our mom’s this on Mother’s Day?
THE ANSWER: Flowers! (Specifically roses)
May 5th
THE QUESTION: These were originally made of feathers and leather?
THE ANSWER: Golf Balls!
May 4th
THE QUESTION: More than 50% of Americans fall asleep like this?
THE ANSWER: On their side!
May 3rd
THE QUESTION: 1/3 of people say this is their least liked outdoor chore?
THE ANSWER: Weeding!
April 30th
THE QUESTION: Superstitious or not… about 20% of us do this just in case?
THE ANSWER: Knock on wood!
April 29th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Zipper Day! The tname “zipper” is coined after what?
THE ANSWER: The sound it makes!
April 28th
THE QUESTION: About 1/3 of us have done this on our sleep?
THE ANSWER: Sent a text!
April 27th
THE QUESTION: 29% of men say they are more likely to have a deep conversation while doing this?
THE ANSWER: Driving!
April 26th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Pretzel Day! What character on The Office said “I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too littler but on Pretzel Day? Well, I like Pretzel Day.”
THE ANSWER: Stanley Hudson
April 21st
THE QUESTION: In the US 45% of dogs sleep here?
THE ANSWER: In their owner’s bed!
April 20th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 10 house hunters check these out before making a purchase?
THE ANSWER: The neighbors!
April 19th
THE QUESTION: It’s National North Dakota Day! What is the capital of North Dakota?
THE ANSWER: Bismark!
April 16th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 5 people between the ages of 18 and 34 can’t read this?
THE ANSWER: A clock!
April 15th
THE QUESTION: A new study says that shopping for this can reduce stress in adults?
THE ANSWER: Groceries!
April 14th
THE QUESTION: According to a survey, car keys are the most misplaced item. What’s #2?
THE ANSWER: Phone charger!
April 13th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Scrabble Day! How many points is the K tile worth?
April 12th
THE QUESTION: 75 % of American homes have a can of this in the pantry?
THE ANSWER: Chicken Noodle Soup!
April 9th
THE QUESTION: What is Brittany’s favorite book?
THE ANSWER: Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit!
April 8th
THE QUESTION: What Time travelling Doctor said ” You want weapons? We are in a library! The best weapons in the world!” ?
THE ANSWER: Doctor Who!
April 7th
THE QUESTION: What street is the Hope Library is located on?
THE ANSWER: Harrison St.
April 6th
April 5th
THE QUESTION: There are 17,000 of these in the US. We have one downtown and in Hope?
THE ANSWER: Libraries!
April 1st
THE QUESTION: The #1 thing we do on our phones is text. What’s #2?
THE ANSWER: Check our email!
March 31st
THE QUESTION: In some parts of the world they celebrate this day by taping a paper fish to someone’s back?
THE ANSWER: April Fool’s Day!
March 30th
THE QUESTION: 5% of women say they don’t trust a man with one of these?
THE ANSWER: A mustache!
March 29th
THE QUESTION: The average person goes through three tubes of this per year?
THE ANSWER: Toothpaste!
March 26th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 10 weddings this year will feature what family member?
March 25th
THE QUESTION: 2 out of 5 women say that their biggest pet peeve on a date is when their partner does this for them?
THE ANSWER: Orders for them! (Excuse me, I wanted chicken tendies)
March 24th
THE QUESTION: On this day in 2005 THIS popular workplace sitcom premiered?
THE ANSWER: The Office!
March 23rd
THE QUESTION: Emergency rooms see about 340 groin injuries each from caused from playing what sport?
THE ANSWER: Basketball!
March 22nd
THE QUESTION: According to a recent survey this is the most common item we keep in our junk drawer?
THE ANSWER: Rubber Bands!
March 19th
THE QUESTION: 18% of us say we never do this while eating dinner?
March 18th
THE QUESTION: According to a new survey almost 50% of us lie to the doctor about how often we do this?
March 17th
THE QUESTION: It’s St. Patrick’s Day! We wear green today to keep us safe (invisible) from what?
THE ANSWER: Leprechauns!
March 16th
THE QUESTION: The average worker spends 6 hours doing this in the month of March?
THE ANSWER: Watching Basketball!
March 15th
THE QUESTION: Doing this for an hour in the afternoon can boost your alertness for up to 10 hours?
THE ANSWER: Take a nap! It’s National Nap Day!
March 12th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Girl Scout Day! Each year the National Girl Scout Association decides what cookies will be released for sale except for 3 that must stay the same! Name one of the 3 cookies that need to stay the same?
THE ANSWER: Thin Mints, Do-si-dohs, and Trefoils!
March 11th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Promposal Day! What word is Prom short for?
THE ANSWER: Promenade!
March 10th
THE QUESTION: It’s Mario Day! The character known today as Mario first appeared in 1981 in what video game?
THE ANSWER: Donkey Kong!
March 9th
THE QUESTION: Kids say this is the thing they dislike the most about being ion the car with their parents?
THE ANSWER: When they sing!
March 8th
THE QUESTION: The Northern Cardinal is the most popular choice of state bird. Name one state other than Indiana whose state bird is the Cardinal?
THE ANSWER: Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia!
March 5th
THE QUESTION: Babies have 300 of these at birth? Adults have 206!
March 4th
THE QUESTION: 80% of people under the age of 30 say they won’t do this without listening to music?
March 3rd
THE QUESTION: Just the smell of this makes us act nicer to one another?
March 2nd
THE QUESTION: The first documented use of the word Nerd was in a book written by this guy?
THE ANSWER: Dr. Suess! (Happy Birthday!)
March 1st
THE QUESTION: Surprisingly only 9% of of Americans say this is their favorite sport to watch?
THE ANSWER: Baseball!
February 27th
THE QUESTION: Surprisingly only 9% of Americans say this is their favorite sport to watch?
THE ANSWER: Baseball!
THE QUESTION: Over the last century this has been the most popular baby boy name in the US 44 times?
THE ANSWER: Michael!
February 24th
THE QUESTION: 25% of us admit to doing this with our masks?
THE ANSWER: Sharing!
THE QUESTION: A study found that the smell of THIS makes us want to spend more money?
THE ANSWER: Oranges!
February 19th
THE QUESTION: This has happened to 48% of us during the winter?
THE ANSWER: Got our car stuck!
February 18th
THE QUESTION: According to a survey… the oldest thing in your fridge is this?
THE ANSWER: Salad Dressing!
February 17th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 10 of us will be less productive at work today because we are busy looking for one of these?
THE ANSWER: Another job!
February 16th
THE QUESTION: The #1 reason we text our family is about food. The #2 reason we text is to tell them this?
THE ANSWER: I love you!
February 15th
THE QUESTION: 36% of us believe THIS is the most important thing to keep in your car?
THE ANSWER: Ice scraper!
THE QUESTION: On average the last time you cleaned this out was 5 months ago?
THE ANSWER: The fridge!
THE QUESTION: 7% of couples have done this on Valentine’s Day?
THE ANSWER: Break up!
THE QUESTION: Cake is our favorite food to celebrate a special occasion. What’s our second favorite?
THE QUESTION: 350 slices of this are eaten every second in America?
THE ANSWER: Pizza! (It’s National Pizza Day!)
February 8th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Sauerkraut & Sausage Week! Germany gave sauerkraut it’s popular name but it originated in what country?
February 5th
THE QUESTION: How many times have the Kansas City Chief’s been to the Superbowl?
February 4th
THE QUESTION: The average American consumed almost 13 lbs of this last year?
February 3rd
THE QUESTION: Superbowl LV will mark the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2nd appearance. When was the first?
February 2nd
THE QUESTION: Groundhog Day was first established in 1887. Originally THIS was the animal used to predict the weather?
THE ANSWER: Hedgehog!
February 1st
THE QUESTION: 50% of people have one of these in their car even though they no longer work?
THE ANSWER: Air Freshener!
January 29th
THE QUESTION: 2:41 pm is the time of day we are most likely to do this?
January 28th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Have Fun at Work Day! 67% of full-time employees with access to free ____ at work report to be EXTREMELY happy at their current job…?
THE ANSWER: Free Food!
January 27th
THE QUESTION: About 30% of American households have this in the freezer?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cube Tray!
January 26th
THE QUESTION: On average adult women spend 3 times as much time here than adult men?
THE ANSWER: Social Media!
January 25th
THE QUESTION: The flattest state in the US is also the state with the most golf courses. What state is it?
THE ANSWER: Florida!
January 22nd
THE QUESTION: The first ever tone of these was sent on Dec 3 1992?
THE ANSWER: Text Message!
January 21st
THE QUESTION: 36% of people never eat this at home but always order it when they dine out?
January 20th
THE QUESTION: There are more than 2000 varieties of cheese in the world. Which one is the most popular?
January 19th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Popcorn Day! What are the unpopped kernels called?
THE ANSWER: Old Maids!
January 18th
THE QUESTION: The average person says this 5 times a day?
THE ANSWER: Thank You!
January 15th
THE QUESTION: The Brooklyn Excelsiors in 1860 was the first baseball team to wear this?
THE ANSWER: Baseball hats! (It’s National Hat Day!)
January 14th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent survey, the most popular hobby of 2020 was what?
THE ANSWER: Cooking!
January 13th
THE QUESTION: When rubber duckies first appeared in the late 1800s what were they originally used for?
THE ANSWER: A chew toy!
January 12th
THE QUESTION: Gingerphobia is a fear of what?
THE ANSWER: Redheads!
January 11th
THE QUESTION: 13% of at-home workers have called in to work to do this?
THE ANSWER: Clean the house!
January 8th
THE QUESTION: It’s estimated that 15% of drivers on the road this morning were doing this while driving to work?
January 7th
THE QUESTION: Most of us remember our first car more than we remember our first ___ ?
January 6th
THE QUESTION: 38% of adults say they can’t fix a common household problem without doing this first?
THE ANSWER: Googling it!
January 5th
THE QUESTION:44% of American households have 1 of these?
January 4th
THE QUESTION: Doing this throughout the day has increased by 40% during quarantine?
THE ANSWER: Snacking!
December 31st
THE QUESTION: Some historians trace the tradition of doing this at midnight back to ancient Rome?
THE ANSWER: Kissing!
December 30th
THE QUESTION: The average American consumes an average of 18 pounds of this per year?
December 29th
THE QUESTION: 155,000 men asked this question on Christmas Day?
THE ANSWER: “Will you marry me?”
December 28th
THE QUESTION: Jokers were added to US playing card decks in the 1800s for what card game?
December 24th
THE QUESTION: In Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol what was Mr. Scrooge’s first name?
THE ANSWER: Ebenezer!
December 23rd
THE QUESTION: What is the highest grossing Christmas Movie of all time?
THE ANSWER: Home Alone!
December 22nd
THE QUESTION: On average we buy three of this each holiday season?
THE ANSWER: Rolls of wrapping paper!
December 21st
THE QUESTION: This occurs every year between Dec 20th and Dec 23rd but the last time it happened on the 23rd was in 1903?
THE ANSWER: Winter Solstice!
December 18th
THE QUESTION: There is only one letter that doesn’t appear in the periodic table. What is it?
December 17th
THE QUESTION: We are most likely to re-gift to this person?
THE ANSWER: Co-worker!
December 16th
THE QUESTION: Kwanzaa begins December 26th and is a Swahili word meaning what?
December 15th
THE QUESTION: 75% of us leave these on over night even though we know we’re not supposed to?!
THE ANSWER: Christmas Lights!
December 14th
THE QUESTION: 20% of Americans got injured setting up this?
THE ANSWER: Christmas Tree!
December 11th
THE QUESTION: 48% of us have had this happen while cooking?
THE ANSWER: Set off the smoke alarm!
December 10th
THE QUESTION: Survey says this is the #1 food item we eat right out of the carton?
THE ANSWER: Ice cream!
December 9th
THE QUESTION: A poll says the #1 grocery item that Americans buy but never eat all of is this?
December 8th
THE QUESTION: 65% of people say they do this everyday. 21% say they do it every other day. What is it?
December 7th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Cotton Candy Day! Cotton Candy was invented by Dr. William Morrison in 1897. What kind of doctor was he?
THE ANSWER: A dentist!
December 4th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Sock Day! The design on the side/ankle of your sock is called this?
December 3rd
THE QUESTION: Octothorpe is the original name for this symbol commonly used in social media?
THE ANSWER: # Hashtag/Pound Sign!
December 2nd
THE QUESTION: 66% of the world’s population has never seen this?
December 1st
THE QUESTION: 15% of people have stopped wearing this due to the pandemic?
THE ANSWER: Deodorant!
November 30th
THE QUESTION: 95% of shoppers on Cyber Monday will be shopping from here?
November 27th
THE QUESTION: Approximately 50 million of these were eaten yesterday?
THE ANSWER: Pumpkin Pies!
November 26th THANKSGIVING
November 25th
THE QUESTION: Which president was the first to pardon a turkey?
THE ANSWER: Harry Truman!
November 24th
THE QUESTION: 46% of couples disagree on how to do this household chore?
THE ANSWER: Load the dishwasher!
November 23rd
THE QUESTION: 52% of pet owners plan to this for Christmas?
THEW ANSWER: Get their pet a gift!
November 20th
THE QUESTION: 26% of people say they would rather have this as their main course on Thanksgiving?
November 19th
THE QUESTION: Nearly 70% of people who have this bad habit wish they could quit?
THE ANSWER: Smoking! It’s The Great American Smokeout. You can do it!
November 18th
THE QUESTION: 27% of married people have demanded their spouse stop doing this every morning?
THE ANSWER: Hitting snooze!
November 17th
THE QUESTION: The average guy owns 11 of these?
November 16th
THE QUESTION: This state was the 19th to join the United States on Dec 11 1816?
THE ANSWER: Indiana! (It’s National Indiana Day!)
November 13th
THE QUESTION: A new poll asked… What profession that doesn’t normally receive tips should totally be getting tipped right now?
THE ANSWER: Teachers!
November 12th
THE QUESTION: What is America’s least liked pizza topping?
THE ANSWER: Anchovies! (It’s National Pizza with the works EXCEPT for Anchovies Day… Yes that’s an actual day)
November 11th
THE QUESTION: 46% of Americans say they would pay $5,000 for someone to clean up after this?
THE ANSWER: Thanksgiving Dinner!
November 10th
THE QUESTION: This children’s program premiered on this date in 1969 and was almost called 123 Avenue B. What is it?
THE ANSWER: Sesame Street!
November 9th
THE QUESTION: Today is National Scrapple Day! What’s Scrapple?
THE ANSWER: Pork scraps, cornmeal, and spices.
November 6th
THE QUESTION: Starbucks is releasing its signature red holiday cups today. What color was the FIRST holiday cup when it premiered in 1997?
November 5th
THE QUESTION: Over 10 billion of these are made in the US everyday and the Q Wake Up Crew sure helps contribute to that total!
THE ANSWER: Donuts! (Its National Donut Day!)
November 4th
THE QUESTION: Americans vote on Tuesdays… what day does most of the world choose to vote?
November 3rd
THE QUESTION: This president was the oldest to hold office! He was 77 when his term ended?
THE ANSWER: Ronald Reagan!
November 2nd
THE QUESTION: What is the most popular Thanksgiving side dish?
THE ANSWER: Mashed potatoes!
October 30th
THE QUESTION: This year will be the first Halloween in 19 years to see one of these?
THE ANSWER: A full moon!
October 29th
THE QUESTION: This is the wettest state! Averaging 63.7 inches of rain state wide per year. What is it?
October 28th
THE QUESTION: In 1999 Lego licensed it’s first movie themed set. What movie franchise was it?
THE ANSWER: Star Wars!
October 23rd
THE QUESTION: We are more likely to eat dessert on THIS day of the week?
October 22nd
THE QUESTION: Animals that lay eggs don’t have one of these?
THE ANSWER: Belly Button!
October 21st
THE QUESTION: Women are more likely than men to claim they have seen one of these?
THE ANSWER: A ghost!
October 20th
THE QUESTION: Children grow quicker during which season?
October 19th
THE QUESTION: This character’s full name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog?
THE ANSWER: Sonic the Hedgehog!!
October 17th
THE QUESTION: The smallest bone in the human body is located in which body part?
October 15th
THE QUESTION: 18% of parents allow their kids to do this at the dinner table?
THE ANSWER: Use electronics!
October 14th
THE QUESTION: New parents have more arguments the first year of their baby’s life. The #1 thing they argue about is who is getting the most sleep. What’s #2?
THE ANSWER: Who does the most housework!
October 13th
THE QUESTION: 46% of Americans say they won’t be doing this on Halloween this year?
THE ANSWER: Passing out candy!
October 12th
THE QUESTION: Jack o Lanterns were first carved from these vegetables, not pumpkins?
THE ANSWER: Turnips!
October 9th
THE QUESTION: This celebrity announced yesterday that he is now the most followed man in the world with over 300 million followers across all of his social media platforms?
October 8th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Fluffer Nutter Day! What’s on a fluffernutter sandwich?
THE ANSWER: Peanut Butter and Marshmallow!
October 7th
THE QUESTION: In 1975 only 2% of Brides kept this… now 29% do?
THE ANSWER: Their maiden name!
October 6th
THE QUESTION: According to the CDC more than 1/3 of Americans don’t get enough of this?
October 5th
THE QUESTION: The average woman complains about this twice a day?
October 2nd
THE QUESTION: About 50% of kids prefer to get this type of candy for Halloween?
THE ANSWER: Chocolate!
October 1st
THE QUESTION: Samhainophobia is the fear of what Holiday?
THE ANSWER: Halloween!
September 30th
THE QUESTION: There’s only one letter of the alphabet that doesn’t appear in any US state name?
September 29th
THE QUESTION: There’s only one state in the US that grows coffee?
September 28th
THE QUESTION: The most popular How-To video on YouTube is how to _____?
THE ANSWER: Boil and egg!
September 25th
THE QUESTION: Employees are more likely to schedule a day off on THIS day than any other?
September 24th
THE QUESTION: 25% of men get tired after 26 minutes of this?
THE ANSWER: Shopping!
September 23rd
THE QUESTION: We’re more likely to lose this on Monday than any other day of the week?
September 22nd
THE QUESTION: Women do this about 5 times a day. Men, 3 times?
THE ANSWER: Apologize! (sorry!)
September 21st
THE QUESTION: 85% of wives strongly dislike their partners _____ ?
THE ANSWER: Friends!
September 18th
THE QUESTION: Americans consume 50 billion of these per year and about 40% of them come with cheese!
THE ANSWER: Burgers!
September 16th
THE QUESTION: 73% of men think wearing one of these makes them more attractive. Only about 40% of women agree with them?
THE ANSWER: Earring!
September 15th
THE QUESTION: Experts say you should clean this small appliance once a week?
THE ANSWER: Microwave!
September 14th
THE QUESTION: The smell of this makes us happier and more relaxed?
THE ANSWER: Fresh cut grass!
September 11th
THE QUESTION: 17% of new drivers say driving here is where they have the most anxiety?
THE ANSWER: Drive-thru!
September 10th
THE QUESTION: Single women rate this accent as the sexiest?
THE ANSWER: Scottish!
September 9th
THE QUESTION: 2 out of 3 women don’t believe their husband when they say they are feeling like this?
September 8th
THE QUESTION: The average worker says they need one of these about 3 times a week?
THE ANSWER: A vacation!
September 4th
THE QUESTION: On average a man’s ____ grows 5.5 inches PER YEAR?
September 3rd
THE QUESTION: 25% of women would change this about their mom’s appearance?
THE ANSWER: Hair style!
September 2nd
THE QUESTION: 40% of people do this when they’re expecting guests in their home?
THE ANSWER: Light a candle!
September 1st!
THE QUESTION: The #1 things guys lie about is?
THE ANSWER: Their height!
August 31st
THE QUESTION: We do this 20% more on the weekends than we do on weekdays?
August 28th
THE QUESTION: This cereal was invented in 1963 with the idea of mixing chopped up circus peanuts with Cheerios?
THE ANSWER: Lucky Charms!
August 27th
THE QUESTION: People with this as a pet fall asleep faster than others?
August 26th
THE QUESTION: On average we lost this about 75 times per year?
August 25th
THE QUESTION: This country drinks more pop per capita than any other?
August 19th
THE QUESTION: According to a new survey, flying is our #1 fear with this being a close second?
THE ANSWER: Public Speaking!
August 18th
THE QUESTION: If you have ONE of these theres a good chance you have TWO?
THE ANSWER: Tattoos!
August 17th
THE QUESTION: They’re mostly considered unlucky but studies show that owning one of these can make you lucky in love?
THE ANSWER: A black cat!
August 14th
THE QUESTION:65% of people say this is the most important thing they put on in the morning?
THE ANSWER: Deoderant!
August 13th
THE QUESTION: More than half of men under 30 say they don’t own this article of clothing?
THE ANSWER: A suit! (Harrison owns three!)
August 12th
THE QUESTION: Mary Queen of Scots is known as the first woman to play this sport. She even caused a scandal when she was caught playing just a few days after her husband passed?
THE ANSWER: Golf! Sign up for CMR Electrics QMIX Girly Golf happening September 2nd at Otter Creek Golf Course!
August 11th
THE QUESTION: 40% of us admit to lying to a friend to get out of helping them do this?
THE ANSWER: Move! (Patra LOVES to move!)
August 10th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Lazy Day! This animal moves so slowly that moss can grow on it acting as camouflage?
August 7th
THE QUESTION: George Washington insisted his continental army be given a quart of this drink as part of their daily rations?
August 6th
THE QUESTION: Listerine didn’t invent bad breath but they did invent this name for it?
THE ANSWER: Halitosis!
August 5th
THE QUESTION: More of this cold treat is sold on Sunday than any of the day of the week?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream!
August 4th
THE QUESTION: Chocolate Chips were invented for use in THIS recipe?
THE ANSWER: Chocolate Chip Cookies
August 3rd
THE QUESTION: The average man spends 140 days of his life doing this and some don’t do it at all?
THE ANSWER: Shaving!
July 31st
THE QUESTION: This sandwich is America’s favorite with 79% of Americans say they liked it?
THE ANSWER: Grilled Cheese!
July 30th
THE QUESTION: Americans eat about 70 million of these per year. The movie Napoleon Dynamite made them even more popular?
THE ANSWER: Tater tots!
July 29th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Lasagna day! What cartoon cat loves lasagna but hates Monday?
THE ANSWER: Garfield!
July 28th
THE QUESTION: 33 million people said this would be their last meal?
July 27th
THE QUESTION: Eating this treat might seem like a good way to cool off but it actually warms you up?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream!
July 24th
THE QUESTION: Today would’ve been the opening ceremonies for the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan! In the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris, France women were permitted to compete for the first time. Name ONE of the ports they competed in!
THE ANSWER: Archery, Tennis, Golf, Sailing, & croquet!
July 23rd
THE QUESTION: It takes 3 gallons of milk to make 1 gallon of this?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream! (Happy National Vanilla Ice Cream Day!)
July 22nd
THE QUESTION: Americans eat 7 billion of these from Memorial Day to Labor Day?
THE ANSWER: Hot dogs!
July 21st
THE QUESTION: The average America eats approximately 30 lbs of these per year?
THE ANSWER: French Fries! (Happy National Junk Food Day!)
July 20th
THE QUESTION: 10% of Americans don’t believe this actually happened…51 years ago today?
THE ANSWER: Moon Landing!
July 17th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Tattoo Day! Where on the body is the most popular place to get a tattoo?
THE ANSWER: Lower back!
July 16th
THE QUESTION: According to a survey about 46% of us still carry one of these around in the car?
July 15th
THE QUESTION: The #1 topic dog owners argue over is this?
THE ANSWER: Who’s gonna walk the dog!
July 14th
THE QUESTION: In a survey we said that Bambi was the #1 kids movie that made us cry… What’s #2?
THE ANSWER: Toy Story!
July 13th
THE QUESTION: 35% of us get up and do this when we’re having trouble sleeping?
July 10th
THE QUESTION: Cat’s Spend 70% of their lives doing this?
THE ANSWER: Sleeping! Zzzz…
July 9th
THE QUESTION: 25% of married people say if they won the lottery they would do this?
THE ANSWER: Divorce!
July 8th
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey 38% of Americans said they would not only change jobs but also take a pay cut if they could bring this family member with them to work?
THE ANSWER: Their pet!
July 3rd
THE QUESTION: The Brickyard 400 is THIS weekend! What year was the first Brickyard ran?
July 2nd
THE QUESTION: In a recent poll this food beat out hotdogs as the most popular food to eat on the 4th of July?
THE ANSWER: Cheeseburger!
July 1st
THE QUESTION: It’s National Postage Stamp Day! The most popular commemorative stamp of all time had this person on it?
June 30th
THE QUESTION: 15% of truck owners have on e of these for their truck?
June 29th
THE QUESTION: On average we do this 11 times in our lifetime?
June 26th
THE QUESTION: 20% of office workers have this personal hygiene product at their desk?
THE ANSWER: Toothbrush! (Patra keeps that thang on her!)
June 25th
THE QUESTION: Historians believe that we started doing this when we greet people to show that we are un-armed?
THE ANSWER: Shake Hands! (It’s National Handshake Day!)
June 24th
THE QUESTION: 40% of us have secretly changed this at work when no one is looking?
THE ANSWER: Thermostat!
June 23rd
THE QUESTION: What fast food chain has more locations in the US than any other?
June 22nd
THE QUESTION: 2 out of 5 guys have accidentally said this on a first date?
THE ANSWER: I love you!
June 19th
THE QUESTION: We buy about 20% of Fathers Day cards for this man in our life?
THE ANSWER: Husbands!
June 18th
THE QUESTION: There have been 5 US presidents without children… name 1?
THE ANSWER(S): George Washington, James Polk, Warren Harding, James Buchanan and Andrew Jackson!
June 17th
THE QUESTION: 17% of us have considered breaking up with our partner because they wouldn’t share this?
June 16th
THE QUESTION: The #1 gift Dads want this year is a new grill… but 33% of dads would be happy with one of these?
June 15th
THE QUESTION: On average we spend about $109 on a gift for this?
THE ANSWER: A wedding!
June 12th
THE QUESTION: Where’s Harrison?
THE ANSWER: Bachelor Party!
June 11th
THE QUESTION:There are 12 states that make up the Corn Belt. Name 3… and you can’t use Indiana!
June 10th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 4 women have this in common on their wedding day…?
THE ANSWER: They’re pregnant!
June 9th
THE QUESTION: 38% of us lie to our doctor about how often we do this?
June 8th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Best Friends Day! 42% of us meet our Best Friends here?
THE ANSWER: at Work!
June 5th
THE QUESTION: The largest donut ever made weighed over 1.7 TONS. What kind of donut was it?
June 4th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Cheese Day! There are 60 Master Cheesemakers in the US. And they all live here?
THE ANSWER: Wisconsin!
June 3rd
THE QUESTION: It’s National Running Day! Which one of our US presidents have ran a marathon?
THE ANSWER: George W. Bush!
June 2nd
THE QUESTION: In 1758 George Washington spent his entire campaign budget on what?
THE ANSWER: Alcohol!
June 1st
THE QUESTION: This is America’s favorite food to grill?
May 29th
THE QUESTION: 37% of pet owners say they leave this on for their pets when they leave the house?
THE ANSWER: The radio!
May 28th
THE QUESTION: 40% of guys don’t know their partners favorite _____?
May 27th
THE QUESTION: With quarantine restrictions lifting in most areas, this is the #1 thing people want to get out and do?
THE ANSWER: Visit friends and family!
May 26th
THE QUESTION: Asking for a warning is the #1 way to get out of a speeding ticket. THIS is #2?
THE ANSWER: Claiming to be running late!
May 22nd
THE QUESTION: 818 of these will be consumed every second between Memorial Day and Labor Day?
THE ANSWER: Hotdogs!
May 21st
THE QUESTION: Only about 20% of us still carry one of these around in our purse or wallet and those who do are usually 65 or older?
THE ANSWER: Checkbook!
May 20th
THE QUESTION: It’s getting warm out there! 1/3 of dads have embarrassed their daughter by NOT doing this…?
THE ANSWER: Not wearing a shirt!
May 19th
THE QUESTION: A recent study shows this food is most often eaten between 9 and 11 pm?
THE ANSWER: Ice Cream! (Ahhhh!)
May 18th
THE QUESTION: 45% of us have one of these in our car even though it no longer works?
THE ANSWER: Air Freshener!
May 15th
THE QUESTION: A study shows 88% of workers have done THIS for their boss?
May 14th
THE QUESTION: 32% of pets have chewed on or eaten this household item?
THE ANSWER: Toilet Paper
May 13th
THE QUESTION: 17% of people say this is the first thing they check on every morning?
May 12th
THE QUESTION: Drinking this during quarantine can help reduce this by a third?
May 11th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Eat What You Want Day! This pizza chain is the most searched for on google?
THE ANSWER: Dominos!
May 8th
THE QUESTION: If you add this hobby to your online dating profile you will get 20% more messages?
THE ANSWER: Reading!
May 7th
THE QUESTION: Google searches for how to give THIS haircut has gone up more than 100% in the past 6 weeks?
May 6th
THE QUESTION: Over half of parents who sign up for new social media services do it for this reason?
THE ANSWER: Spy on their kids!
May 5th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 4 American families plan to do this when the pandemic is over?
THE ANSWER: Vacation!
May the 4th be With You!
THE QUESTION: Originally Yoda was going to be played by putting this animal in a costume?
THE ANSWER: A monkey!
May 1st
THE QUESTION: 48% of us are willing to splurge on a gift for this family member?
April 30th
THE QUESTION:1 in 4 men say they are great at this?
THE ANSWER: Cooking!
April 29th
THE QUESTION: Over 82 million American homes have one of these and Patra’s had a spider in it this morning!
April 28th
THE QUESTION: When asked what super power they’d want to have the majority of people picked?
April 27th
THE QUESTION: According to a recent study, people with one of these as a pet fall asleep faster than the rest of us?
April 23rd + It’s National Library Week!
THE QUESTION: The publisher of this detective series considered naming the main character Stella Strong, Nan Nelson, and Diana Dare before deciding on this name?
THE ANSWER: Nancy Drew!
April 22nd + It’s National Library Week!
THE QUESTION: This Dr. Suess book contains only 50 unique words and was written to win a bet?
THE ANSWER: Green Eggs and Ham!
April 21st + It’s National Library Week!
THE QUESTION: Bibliosmia is the name given to those who love to smell this?
THE ANSWER: Old Books!
April 20th + It’s National Library Week!
THE QUESTION: The most expensive one of these ever sold went for $30.8 million!
April 17th
THE QUESTION: Studies say doing this in the morning will make you happier even if you don’t leave the house?
THE ANSWER: Getting dressed!
April 16th
THE QUESTION: The most popular fast food item being delivered right now is?
THE ANSWER: French Fries!
April 15th
THE QUESTION: The average person does this over 20 times a day when were at home?
THE ANSWER: Look in the fridge!
April 14th
THE QUESTION: 52% of Americans let their dogs to this?
THE ANSWER:Lick their faces!
April 13th
THE QUESTION: This board game was originally called Lexicon, then Criss Cross Word, before landing on THIS name?
THE ANSWER: Scrabble! It’s National Scrabble Day!
April 10th
THE QUESTION: Siblings under the age of 7 do this 3 times an hour?
April 9th
THE QUESTION: Quarantine has caused 25% of us to do this?
THE ANSWER: Gain weight!
April 8th
THE QUESTION: 17% of people always wear this to bed?
April 7th
THE QUESTION: 35% of people are motivated to clean when they smell something bad but 61% claim they just need a little of this to get motivated?
THE ANSWER: Free time!
April 6th
THE QUESTION: This is the 2nd fastest growing tissue in the human body?
THE ANSWER: Hair! (It’s National Cut Your Own Hair Day!)
April 3rd
THE QUESTION: Patra donated blood yesterday! How many pints of blood are in the average human body?
April 2nd
THE QUESTION: There are 4 state capitals named after US Presidents. Name one!
THE ANSWER(s): Jackson, MI | Lincoln, NE | Jefferson City, MO | Madison WI
April 1st
THE QUESTION: Almost 60% of people said that technology has made them bad at remembering what?
THE ANSWER: Birthdays!
March 31st
THE QUESTION: The first box of these sold for 5 cents and included 8 colors per box?
March 30th
THE QUESTION: In a recent survey, most adults said their childhood dream job was to be a?
THE ANSWER: Teacher! (Bless you teachers!)
March 27th
THE QUESTION: 65% of Americans drink this every single day?
March 26th
THE QUESTION: 36% of us have been using our phones to do this way more often that we normally do?
THE ANSWER: Make a phone call!
March 25th
THE QUESTION: 25% of us lie about how often we go here?
THE ANSWER: The gym!
March 24th
THE QUESTION: 23% of American Women have stopped doing this while in quarantine?
THE ANSWER: Shaving!
March 23rd
THE QUESTION:It’s National Puppy Day! Puppies spend 15-20 hours a day doing this?
THE ANSWER: Sleeping!
March 20th
THE QUESTION: It’s Spring! The Birds need to mate… how do they find a partner?
March 18th
THE QUESTION: 25% of those working from home admit to doing this while working?
THE ANSWER: Watching TV/Movies!
March 17th
THE QUESTION: It’s St. Patrick’s Day! What does Erin Go Braugh mean?
THE ANSWER: Ireland until the end of time!
March 16th
THE QUESTION: 72% of online voters say they feel this is the perfect age to get married?
March 10th
THE QUESTION: This popular character was first seen in the video game Donkey Kong and was originally called Jump Man?
THE ANSWER: Mario! (Mar.10)
March 9th
THE QUESTION: This toy made its debut today in 1959 at the American International Toy Fair in New York?
THE ANSWER: The Barbie Doll!
March 6th
THE QUESTION: This year around 11,000 men will injure themselves doing this household chore?
THE ANSWER: Laundry!
March 5th
THE QUESTION: 33% of iPhone users regularly do this while driving?
THE ANSWER: Take selfies!
March 4th
THE QUESTION: The #1 way we waste time at work is by talking about this?
THE ANSWER: The Weather!
March 3rd
THE QUESTION: On average we do this at about 7:30 am on weekdays and 8:30 am on weekdays?
THE ANSWER: Eat Breakfast!
March 2nd
THE QUESTION: This author’s first book was titled and And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry St.?
THE ANSWER: Dr. Suess!
February 28th
THE QUESTION: A person born on Leap Day is called this?
THE ANSWER: Leapling!
February 27th
THE QUESTION: 16% of dingle men say this is the first thing they look at on a woman’s dating profile?
THE ANSWER: Job status!
February 26th
THE QUESTION: 16% of Americans who have made this big purchase regretted it!?
February 25th
THE QUESTION: 28% of Gen Xers had this hairstyle growing up?
February 24th
THE QUESTION: Only 29% of men do this household chore?
THE ANSWER: The Laundry!
February 21st
THE QUESTION: 40% of people don’t like this about themselves?
THE ANSWER: Their Voice!
February 20th
THE QUESTION: 39% of online daters say they’ve swiped right because this was featured in the other person’s profile picture?
THE ANSWER: a dog!
February 19th
THE QUESTION: This beloved children’s show first premiered on this date (2/19) in 1968 and the first 5 episodes were in black and white…?
THE ANSWER: Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood!
February 18th
THE QUESTION: All of the astronauts on the International Space Station must be fluent in English and what other language?
THE ANSWER: Russian!
February 17th
THE QUESTION: John Adams, James Monroe, and Thomas Jefferson all died on what holiday?
THE ANSWER: 4th of July
February 14th
THE QUESTION: 14% of women do this for themselves on Valentines Day?
THE ANSWER: Send flowers to themselves!
February 13th
THE QUESTION: 73% of men say this makes them more attractive but only 64% of women agree?
THE ANSWER: Facial Hair!
February 12th
THE QUESTION:43% of millenials say this day is their #1 choice to propose?
THE ANSWER: Valentines Day!
February 11th
THE QUESTION: 30% of singles refuse to date someone with one of these?
February 10th
THE QUESTION: 14% of women will do this for themselves on Valentines Day?
THE ANSWER: Buy themselves flowers
February 7th
THE QUESTION: Over 22 million tons of this is used on US Roads each year?
February 5th
THE QUESTION: 15% of us haven’t washed this item of clothing in the last 6 months?
THE ANSWER: Bathrobe!
February 4th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 8 American workers have worked at this fast food chain?
THE ANSWER: McDonalds!
February 3rd
THE QUESTION: It’s estimated 17.2 million people will do this today?
THE ANSWER: Call in to work!
January 31st
THE QUESTION: 4 teams have NEVER been to the Superbowl… Name one?
THE ANSWER(S): Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, Houston Texans, and the Cleveland Browns!
January 30th
THE QUESTION: Over 700, 000 of these are produced annually for official NFL use and 72 of them will be used on Sunday!
THE ANSWER: Footballs!
January 29th
THE QUESTION: This NFL quarterback has been to more Superbowls than any other?
THE ANSWER: Tom Brady!
January 28th
THE QUESTION: We will consume 1.4 billion of these on Superbowl Sunday?
January 27th
THE QUESTION: On average we look at 10 of these before deciding to buy one?
THE ANSWER: A house!
January 23rd
THE QUESTION: 10% of us say this subject bores us the MOST when talking to our friends…?
THE ANSWER: Their kids!
January 22nd
THE QUESTION: At bedtime we’ll do this for an average of 12 1/2 minutes before we fall asleep?
THE ANSWER: Scroll on your phone!
January 21st
THE QUESTION: 39% of us clean this out about once a month
THE ANSWER: The fridge!
January 20th
THE QUESTION: This is the #1 thing families are texting each other about…?
THE ANSWER: What to eat!
January 17th
THE QUESTION: The #1 thing employees enjoying getting from their boss is a compliment. What’s #2?
January 16th
THE QUESTION:The #1 reason people skip breakfast is they’re too busy to eat. What’s the 2nd reason?
THE ANSWER: Not hungry!
January 15th
THE QUESTION: The average person eats about 3 lbs of this per year?
THE ANSWER: Peanut Butter
January 14th
THE QUESTION:Tatum O’Neal is the youngest person to win one of these in 1973 at the age of 10…?
January 13th
THE QUESTION:36% of us say we celebrate this family member’s birthday?
January 10th
THE QUESTION: This dog breed is one of the oldest recognized by the AKC and the Q Wake Up Crew just had a visit from 2 of them this morning!
THE ANSWER: Chihuahua!
January 9th
THE QUESTION: Researchers say putting on your desk helps to lower stress and anxiety at work?
THE ANSWER: A plant!
January 8th
THE QUESTION: 2% of people wait until February to do this?
THE ANSWER: Take down their tree!
January 7th
THE QUESTION: 47% of adults eat this to put them in a good mood?
THE ANSWER: Dessert!
January 6th
THE QUESTION: This will happen to nearly 50% of us today?
THE ANSWER: Late to work!
January 3rd
THE QUESTION: The most popular New Years Resolution for Hoosiers this year is…?
THE ANSWER: Save Money!
January 2nd
THE QUESTION: 17% of online voters say they would like to spend their vacation here?
January 1, 2020: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
December 31st
THE QUESTION: Black Eyed Peas, Ham, and Cabbage are supposed to bring you this if you eat them on New Years Day?
THE ANSWER: Good Luck and Prosperity
December 30th
THE QUESTION: When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had their first meal on the moon they had peaches, sugar cookies, coffee, and what?
THE ANSWER: Bacon! (Happy National Bacon Day!)
December 27th
THE QUESTION: More cars are stolen on this holiday than any other?
THE ANSWER: New Years Day!
December 26th
THE QUESTION: 36% of teens and 26% of parents admit they do this in the middle of the night?
THE ANSWER: Check their phone!
December 25th: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
December 24th
THE QUESTION: This candy was invented in the 1600’s to keep children quiet during Christmas church ceremonies?
THE ANSWER: Candy Canes!
December 23rd
THE QUESTION: This is Canada’s National Sport… not hockey!
THE ANSWER: Lacrosse
December 19th
THE QUESTION: This long running animated show began with a Christmas episode in 1989?
THE ANSWER: The Simpsons!
December 18th
THE QUESTION: 36% of people prefer their Christmas gifts come like this?
THE ANSWER: In a gift bag!
December 17th
THE QUESTION: 91% of us don’t trust this during winter weather?
TH ANSWER: Other drivers
December 16th
THE QUESTION: This company was the first to use Santa in an advertisement?
December 12th
THE QUESTION: Americans spend 3.2 billion on this item during the holiday season?
THE ANSWER: Wrapping paper!
December 11th
THE QUESTION: 25% of the U.S. population wait until last minute to do this?
THE ANSWER: Buy gifts!
December 10th
THE QUESTION: If you give listed in the 12 days of Christmas it would equal this many gifts?
December 9th
THE QUESTION: The very first artificial one of these was made of goose feathers dyed green?
THE ANSWER: Christmas Tree!
December 6th
THE QUESTION: 2 weeks before Christmas is the most popular time for couples to break up. 2 weeks after THIS holiday is the second…?
THE ANSWER: Valentines Day!
December 5th
THE QUESTION: Only 13% of us plan to buy a holiday gift for these people?
THE ANSWER: Co-Workers!
December 3rd
THE QUESTION: There are nearly 15,000 farms that grow these?
THE ANSWER: Christmas Trees!
December 2nd
THE QUESTION: 95% of us plan to do this at work today…?
THE ANSWER: Shop Online!
November 29th
THE QUESTION: Almost 80% of us care more about this than the actual Thanksgiving meal?
THE ANSWER: Leftovers!
November 26th
THE QUESTION: It will take us approximately 16 minutes to do this on Thanksgiving?
November 25th
THE QUESTION: This majestic (and delicious) bird can run up to 25 mph and fly 55 mph?
November 22nd
THE QUESTION: 7% of adults believe chocolate milk comes from here?
THE ANSWER: Brown Cows
November 21st
THE QUESTION: Three U.S. Presidents have won Grammy’s. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and ?
THE ANSWER: Barack Obama
November 20th
THE QUESTION: The average person eats about 3 lbs of this per year?
THE ANSWER: Peanut Butter!
November 19th
THE QUESTION: 33% of people in this profession leave within the first 3 years?
THE ANSWER: Teaching
November 18th
THE QUESTION: Who was the first cartoon character to speak?
THE ANSWER: Mickey Mouse! (His first words were… Hot dog!)
November 15th
THE QUESTION: The #1 most recycled item in America is steel. What is #2?
THE ANSWER: Aluminum Cans! Happy America Recycles Day!
November 14th
THE QUESTION: Cleopatra regularly ate these believing they helped keep her beautiful?
THE ANSWER: Pickles!
November 13th
THE QUESTION: 33% of Americans plan to shop for this on Black Friday?
November 12th
THE QUESTION: 24% of us say this is our least favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
THE ANSWER: Green Bean Casserole!
November 11th
THE QUESTION: What is American’s favorite ice cream flavor?
THE ANSWER: Vanilla! (Happy National Sundae Day!)
November 7th
THE QUESTION: Only 6% of Americans have never owned one of these? (Brittany and Patra both have 4!)
November 6th
THE QUESTION: This is the food most craved by pregnant women?
THE ANSWER: Nachos! (It’s National Nacho Day!)
November 5th
THE QUESTION: Just over 9000 pounds of this will be consumed this year on Thanksgiving?
THE ANSWER: Stuffing!
November 4th
THE QUESTION: The day after Thanksgiving is the most popular day for this?
THE ANSWER: Decorating for Christmas!
November 1st
THE QUESTION: The longest one of these on record is 17.5 feet. On average they grow about 1/2 inch per month…?
THE ANSWER: Beards! Enter No Shave November going on NOW!
October 31st
THE QUESTION: According to our Google searches. This character is the most popular choice for adult costumes this Halloween?
THE ANSWER: Pennywise the Clown from It
October 30th
THE QUESTION: The most popular Halloween candy this year is…?
THE ANSWER: Reese Cups!
October 29th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Cat Day! Who was the first president to have a cat in the White House?
THE ANSWER: Lincoln!
October 28th
THE QUESTION: 36% of parents think 12 is old enough to do this alone?
THE ANSWER: Trick or Treat!
October 25th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Greasy Food Day! This is the most ordered meal at sit-down restaurants in the US?
THE ANSWER: Fried Chicken!
October 24th
THE QUESTION: Americans spend about 3.8 BILLION dollars on this every year?
THE ANSWER: Halloween Candy!
October 23rd
THE QUESTION: 34% of Americans say they enjoy going here?
THE ANSWER: To work!
October 22nd
THE QUESTION: 8% of people say they have pursued someone based on this… having never seen them?
THE ANSWER: Their voice!
October 21st
THE QUESTION: 78% of parents admit to doing this on Halloween?
THE ANSWER: Stealing their kid’s candy!
October 18th
THE QUESTION: 45% of women say that if a man does this on the first date, he won’t get a second?
October 17th
THE QUESTION: Men do this at least 6 times a year…?
October 16th
THE QUESTION: There are over 2000 varieties of these and they are typically in season from September through December?
THE ANSWER: Persimmons!
October 11th
THE QUESTION: For 12% of Americans this will be on the table for dinner tonight?
October 9th
THE QUESTION: The #1 thing couples argue about is money. What is #2?
THE ANSWER: Household chores!
October 8th
THE QUESTION: What is the most productive work day of the week?
THE ANSWER: Tuesday!
October 7th
THE QUESTION: On a Monday… the average person won’t do this until after 11 am…?
THE ANSWER: Smile! 🙂
October 4th
THE QUESTION: If you walked all 18 holes instead of riding in a golf, how far would you be walking?
THE ANSWER: approximately 4 miles!
October 3rd
THE QUESTION: Nearly 25% of us claim we have lived in one of these?
THE ANSWER: a Haunted House!
October 2nd
THE QUESTION: Half of us plan to do this for Halloween?
THE ANSWER: Decorate!
October 1st
THE QUESTION:How many people are name dropped in Billy Joel’s 1989 hit We Didn’t Start the Fire?
September 30th
THE QUESTION: March and August are the most popular months for married couples to do this?
THE ANSWER: Get a divorce!
September 27th
THE QUESTION: The average age of a marathon runner is…?
September 26th
THE QUESTION: 70% of people won’t date or marry someone who is…?
September 25th
THE QUESTION: Gotye’s Somebody That I Used to Know is the most successful one-hit-wonder of all time. What song from 1996 is second?
THE ANSWER: Macarena!
September 23th
THE QUESTION: Monday is the best day of the week to buy one of these?
September 20th
THE QUESTION: The average temperature of this is 105 degrees…?
THE ANSWER: The Shower!
September 19th
THE QUESTION: 45% of women don’t know (or care to know) this fact about themselves?
THE ANSWER: Shoe size!
September 18th
THE QUESTION: American workers are more likely to do this at work on a Wednesday?
September 17th
THE QUESTION: 16% of us claim we have seen one of these but only about half of us believe they exist…?
September 16th
THE QUESTION: This popular craft product was first sold as wall paper cleaner?
THE ANSWER: Play-doh!
September 13th
THE QUESTION: This is the world’s best selling cookie?
September 12th
THE QUESTION:The idea for this video game came while eating pizza?
September 11th
THE QUESTION: The average parent won’t let their child do this household chore until age 12?
THE ANSWER: Laundry!
Sept 10th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 4 kids say this is the WORST part of riding in the car with their parents…?
THE ANSWER: Yelling at other drivers!
Sept 6th
THE QUESTION: The first official recipe for this was published in the 1927 Girl Scout manual?
Sept 5th
THE QUESTION: We send 6 billion of these every day?
Sept 4th
THE QUESTION: 15% of women say this is the first thing they notice about a guy when they meet him?
Aug 28th
THE QUESTION: 40% of people say they use their lunch hour to do this…?
Aug 27th
THE QUESTION: The average person does this within 14 hours of a break-up…?
THE ANSWER: Change their relationship status on Social Media!
Aug 26th
THE QUESTION: 42% of us have an old one of these lying around…?
THE ANSWER: Cell phone!
Aug 23rd
THE QUESTION:On average we have about 26 of these but only use 5 regularly…?
THE ANSWER: Apps on our phone!
Aug 22nd
THE QUESTION: According to the latest research. This is the item in your purse with the most germs…?
THE ANSWER: Debit Card!
Aug 21st
THE QUESTION: Finding this is the #1 thing that puts us in a good mood…?
Aug 20th
THE QUESTION: 20% of women have gotten one of these without telling their partner?
THE ANSWER: Credit Card!
Aug 19th
THE QUESTION: On average people do this at work 3 times a day…
THE ANSWER: Complain!
Aug 16th
THE QUESTION: Those who set aside time for this everyday are less likely to have headaches or pain in general…?
THE ANSWER: Relaxation!
Aug 15th
THE QUESTION: 7% of us never wear this…
THE ANSWER: Underwear! (yikes!)
Aug 14th
THE QUESTION: On average we wait here for 3 minutes and 45 seconds…?
THE ANSWER: Fast food drive-thru
Aug 13th
THE QUESTION: 62% of couples who have one of these say it helped their relationship?
THE ANSWER: Housekeeper!
Aug 12th
THE QUESTION: Sales of these have been on the rise since 1993…?
THE ANSWER: Vinyl Records!
Aug 9th
THE QUESTION: This is the 5th most popular book of all time…?
THE ANSWER: Harry Potter!
Aug 6th
THE QUESTION: The average family spends $700 on this each year?
THE ANSWER: School Supplies!
Aug 5th
THE QUESTION: The average woman owns about 21 pairs of these?
THE ANSWER: Underwear!
Aug 2nd
THE QUESTION: On average we do this about 100 times a week at work…?
THE ANSWER: Take a break!
Aug 1st
THE QUESTION: 10% of adult men still ask their mom for help with this…?
THE ANSWER: What to wear!
July 31st
THE QUESTION: It takes a 50 year old half as long as a 30 year old to choose this…?
THE ANSWER: What to watch on Netflix!
July 30th
THE QUESTION: The cast of this TV Show has eaten over 100 cheesecakes over the course of it’s 7 year run…? (Happy National Cheesecake Day!)
THE ANSWER: Golden Girls!
July 29th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Lipstick Day! Storing your lipstick here can help prolong it’s shelf life…?
THE ANSWER: The fridge!
July 26th
THE QUESTION: 1 in 12 people have damaged a cell phone by dropping it in this…?
July 25th
THE QUESTION: According to Spoon University this is the most popular ice cream topping…?
THE ANSWER: Hot Fudge! Happy Hot Fudge Sundae Day!
July 24th
THE QUESTION: If you’re a parent you are more likely to enjoy this beverage…?
THE ANSWER: Chocolate Milk!
July 23rd
THE QUESTION: July, August, and September are the top months for these?
THE ANSWER: Birthdays!
July 22nd
THE QUESTION: When shopping it takes the average person only 8 minutes to pick out a pair of these…
July 19th
THE QUESTION: We are 30% more likely to do this when the weather is warm…?
THE ANSWER: Hang out with friends!
July 18th
THE QUESTION: Doing this increases your pain tolerance by up to 1/3!
THE ANSWER: Swearing!
July 17th
THE QUESTION: If you have ONE of these, there’s a 70% chance you have TWO?
THE ANSWER: Tattoos!
July 16th
THE QUESTION: How many Special Agent 007s have been portrayed on film?
July 15th
THE QUESTION: This is the most popular recreation for kids age 7-17?
THE ANSWER: Swimming!
July 12th
THE QUESTION: What is the official state snack of Utah?
THE ANSWER: Jello! (It’s National Jello Day!)
July 11th
THE QUESTION: The most popular food to grab at the county fair is…?
THE ANSWER: Funnel Cake!
July 10th
THE QUESTION: You spend 416 days of your life in this room of your house…?
THE ANSWER: The bathroom!
July 9th
THE QUESTION: 30% of us have worn this questionable fashion choice in the past…?
THE ANSWER: Shoulder pads!
July 8th
THE QUESTION: On average we spend about $109 on a gift for this…?
THE ANSWER: A wedding!
July 5th
THE QUESTION: What is the most popular hot dog topping?
THE ANSWER: Mustard!
July 4th
THE QUESTION: 150 million of these will get eaten today?
THE ANSWER: Hot dogs!
July 3rd
THE QUESTION: How many men signed the Declaration of Independence?
July 2nd
THE QUESTION: It’s National Anisette Day! WHAT even is that?
THE ANSWER: Anise flavored liqueur!
July 1st
THE QUESTION: It’s National Postage Stamp Day! How much does a postage stamp cost today?
THE ANSWER: 55 cents!
June 28th
THE QUESTION : Humans start shrinking (almost 1/2 an inch per decade!) at what age?
June 27th
THE QUESTION:It’s nation Sunglasses Day! The most common way we lose our sunglasses is leaving them here…?
THE ANSWER: Someone else’s car!
June 26th
THE QUESTION: This dessert starting out as a savory dish. Bu today its most common flavor is this…?
THE ANSWER: Chocolate!
June 25th
THE QUESTION:Most people think raindrops are shaped like teardrops but they are actually shaped like this common fast food item…?
THE ANSWER: A Hamburger Bun!
June 24th
THE QUESTION: 90% fireworks are made here..? This is also where they were invented!
June 21st
THE QUESTION: It’s the first day of Summer! When is the last day?
THE ANSWER: September 23rd! (2019)
June 20th
THE QUESTION:6 years of our lives are spent doing this…?
THE ANSWER: Dreaming!
June 19th
THE QUESTION:About 80% of us admit that this is a waste of time but 70% of us do it anyway!
THE ANSWER: Social Media!
June 17th
THE QUESTION:It’s Global Garbage Man Day. Garbage Man(or woman) is the 5th deadliest job in America. This is #1?
THE ANSWER: Construction Worker! Stay safe out there!
June 14th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Flip Flop Day! Flip Flops are known to cause this common foot ailment?
THE ANSWER: Plantar fasciitis
June 13th
THE QUESTION: 30% of us go to the movies because of this?
THE ANSWER: A friend recommended it!
June 12th
THE QUESTION: It’s National Jerky Day! In this movie Kevin Costner’s character gives his wolf, named Two Socks, a piece of jerky…
THE ANSWER: Dances with Wolves!
June 11th
THE QUESTION: THIS vegetable is produced in many colors. The most common is yellow…?
June 10th
THE QUESTION: We waste 12 minutes every Monday morning doing this…?
THE ANSWER: Complaining!
June 7th
THE QUESTION: This is the #1 reason women drastically change their hair…?
THE ANSWER: A break-up!
June 5th, 2019
THE QUESTION: The female of this animal is called a Molly?
June 4th, 2019
TV Guide released a list of the most popular tv show set in every state. What do you think Indiana’s is?
THE ANSWER: The Middle!
June 3rd, 2019
THE QUESTION: Each year over 14 million kids attend one of these?
THE ANSWER: Summer Camp!
May 30th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s the last day of school for BCSC students! A lot of schools celebrate with a Field Day. What is the most popular field day activity?
THE ANSWER: Tug of War!
May 29th 2019
THE QUESTION: To save time in the morning 45% of women do this on their way to work
THE ANSWER: Put on Makeup!
May 28th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s National Hamburger Day! What is the oldest burger chain in America?
THE ANSWER:White Castle!
May 24th, 2019
THE QUESTION: 17% of Americans will do THIS this weekend…?
May 23rd, 2019
THE QUESTION: 44% of people have one of these in their car even though it no longer works
THE ANSWER: An air freshener!
May 22nd, 2019
THE QUESTION: 60% of people will attend THIS this weekend…
THE ANSWER: A cookout!
May 21st, 2019
THE QUESTION: The average preschooler does this 432 times per day…
THE ANSWER: Asks questions!
May 20th, 2019
THE QUESTION: Between yesterday and today over 10 million people are expected to skip work because of this…
THE ANSWER: Game of Thrones!
May 16th, 2019
THE QUESTION:With 35 starts this driver has the most of any Indy 500 driver?
May 15th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s warming up outside! 1/3 of Dads have embarrassed their daughter by doing this…?
THE ANSWER: Not wearing a shirt!
May 14th, 2019
THE QUESTION:This is the #1 cause of stress for moms…
May 13th, 2019
THE QUESTION: Daughters are more likely to give their moms on Mother’s Day than sons…?
THE ANSWER: Flowers!
May 10th, 2019
THE QUESTION: 37% of moms say they want this instead of presents this Mother’s Day…?
May 9th, 2019
THE QUESTION: In a recent poll taken, the #1 reason we get fired is for not doing what we were hired to do… What comes in second?
THE ANSWER:Calling in!
May 8th, 2019
THE QUESTION: CMR Electric’s QMIX Girly Golf is TODAY! When women get together for a girl’s night out this is the #1 topic they talk about…?
THE ANSWER: Relationships!
May 7th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! According to a recent study, writing is a teacher’s least favorite subject to teach, what comes in second?
THE ANSWER: Science!
May 6th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s Nurses Day! What is the #1 reason that people go in to nursing?
THE ANSWER: To help people!
May 3rd, 2019
THE QUESTION: Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! This is overwhelmingly voted as the worst Star Wars movie of all time…?
THE ANSWER: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace!
May 2nd, 2019
THE QUESTION: 51% of American teens attend this with a date and 6% go alone…?
May 1st, 2019
THE QUESTION: This item in your home is on average 6 years old?
April 30th, 2019
THE QUESTION: Almost 2/3 of American workers daydream about this every day…
THE ANSWER: Quitting!
April 29th, 2019
THE QUESTION: 69% of players spend money on this free to play game…?
THE ANSWER: Fortnite!
April 26th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s Arbor Day! What is America’s National Tree?
THE ANSWER: The Oak Tree!
April 25th, 2019
THE QUESTION: 3000 different types of bacteria are found on this often exchanged items…?
THE ANSWER:A dollar bill!
April 24th, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s Administrative Professionals Day! 85% of Administrative Professionals have this in common…?
THE ANSWER: They’re women!
April 23, 2019
THE QUESTION: It’s National Picnic Day! This is our favorite side dish to take on a picnic…?
THE ANSWER: Potato Salad!
April 22, 2019
THE QUESTION: 70% of us who have one of these places in our house don’t use it for it’s original purpose…?
The Answer: The Garage
April 19, 2019
THE QUESTION: The most popular spot on your body for a tattoo is where?
THE ANSWER: Lower back!
April 18, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is the most popular pork product consumed by Americans each year…?
April 17, 2019
THE QUESTION: Today is Haiku Poetry Day! What are the rules that make a haiku a poem?
THE ANSWER: Line 1 = 5 syllables, Line 2 = 7 syllables, Line 3 = 5 syllables
April 16, 2019
THE QUESTION: About half of us change these once a month but some of us say we change them almost never…?
April 15, 2019
THE QUESTION: Halloween is first but this holiday comes in second when it comes to candy sells…?
April 12, 2019
THE QUESTION: Literary Week! This author introduced us to Beatrice and Ramona Quimby and celebrates her 103rd birthday today…?
THE ANSWER: Beverly Cleary!
April 11, 2019
THE QUESTION: Literary Week! This library classification system, introduced in 1876, made it possible to find any book on the library shelf…?
THE ANSWER: The Dewey Decimal System!
April 10, 2019
THE QUESTION: Literary Week! According to a poll, this novel written in 1924 is the most popular to re-read…?
THE ANSWER: The Great Gatsby!
April 9, 2019
THE QUESTION: Literary Week! From Beatrix Potter’s first novel what type of animals are Flopsy and Mopsy?
THE ANSWER: Rabbits!
April 8, 2019
THE QUESTION: Literary Week! What is the official name of our Bartholomew County Public Library?
THE ANSWER: The Cleo Rogers Memorial Library
April 4, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a study the average American household pays for 3 of these per month…?
THE ANSWER: Video streaming subscriptions!
April 3, 2019
THE QUESTION: Only about 50% of teens use this…?
THE ANSWER: Facebook!
April 2, 2019
THE QUESTION: About 25% of us will do this alone this summer…?
THE ANSWER: Vacation!
April 1, 2019
THE QUESTION: When asked where we would want to travel after we retire this was the #1 answer…?
THE ANSWER: Australia!
March 29, 2019
THE QUESTION: The average age of this item in your fridge is 18 months old…?
THE ANSWER: Salad Dressing!
March 28, 2019
THE QUESTION: 82% of women say a guy over 30 should not wear one of these…?
THE ANSWER: An earring!
March 27, 2019
THE QUESTION: Although he is retired, this is the most popular game show host in America…?
THE ANSWER: Bob Barker!
March , 26, 2019
THE QUESTION: 96% of teens who spend time online spend it here…?
March 25, 2019
THE QUESTION: 34% of men don’t like it when a woman shows too much of this on a first date…?
THE ANSWER: Cleavage!
March 22, 2019
THE QUESTION: The type of businesses consumers are most happy with are breweries. The type we are least happy with are…?
THE ANSWER: Cable TV/Internet Providers!
March 21, 2019
THE QUESTION: Women are more likely to wear this when going out with friends than when going on a date…?
THE ANSWER: Make-up!
March 20, 2019
THE QUESTION: A survey says that this ranks third in office distractions during the month of March…?
THE ANSWER: Social Media!
March 19, 2019
THE QUESTION: Ladies! Doing this twice a week is good for our health! (And Columbus Women’s Expo is a great time for it!)…?
THE ANSWER: Girl’s Night Out!
March 18, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a study men consume 82% of this junk food…?
THE ANSWER: Potato Chips!
March 15, 2019
THE QUESTION: 83% of those who plan to celebrate St. patrick’s Day plan to do this…?
THE ANSWER: Wear green!
March 14, 2019
THE QUESTION: 34% of people applying for a job get taken out of the running once the prospective employer checks this…?
THE ANSWER: References!
March 13, 2019
THE QUESTION: A new study says it takes the average parent about 6 years to get a good one of these…?
THE ANSWER: A good night’s sleep!
March 12, 2019
THE QUESTION: A recent study released a list of the top 10 happiest cities and 5 of them were in this state…?
THE ANSWER: California!
March 11, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a new survey, 64% of people prefer to do this in the morning…?
March 8, 2019
THE QUESTION: Women are 4 times more likely than men to lose their cellphone here…?
THE ANSWER: Dressing Room!
March 7, 2019
THE QUESTION: THIS is the top selling cereal in the U.S. …?
THE ANSWER: Honey Nut Cheerios
March 6, 2019
THE QUESTION: It might be Oreo Cookie Day but THIS is Indiana’s most popular cookie…?
THE ANSWER: Chocolate chip!
March 5
THE QUESTION: Americans eat 2.7 billion boxes of this each year…?, 2019
March 4, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is the most misused word in the English language…?
March 1, 2019
THE QUESTION: On average consumers spend about $1270 per year on this beverage…?
February 28, 2019
THE QUESTION: 61% of women say they are attracted to someone with this personality trait…?
THE ANSWER: Sensitive!
February 27, 2019
THE QUESTION: 79% of people who quit their jobs say this is the reason…?
THE ANSWER: Lack of appreciation!
February 26, 2019
THE QUESTION: On average it takes 5 tries to get a perfect one of these…?
February 25, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is your dad’s #1 pet peeve…?
THE ANSWER: Leaving the lights on!
February 22, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is the #1 food product that people are allergic to…?
February 21, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a survey 1/3 of women don’t like when a guy has one of these…?
THE ANSWER: A beard!
February 20, 2019
THE QUESTION: Experts say wearing this to bed can help you fall asleep 15 minutes faster…?
February 18, 2019
THE QUESTION: 7% of weddings include this family member…?
February 17, 2019
THE QUESTION: 30 of our 45 American Presidents have had one of these in The White House…?
February 15, 2019
THE QUESTION: The #1 thing Americans say they don’t get enough of is this…?
February 13, 2019
THE QUESTION: A new study says that 17% of people on dating apps have one of these…?
THE ANSWER: A spouse!
February 12, 2019
THE QUESTION: Over 50% of women say they would do THIS if they didn’t get something for Valentine’s Day…?
THE ANSWER: Break up!
February 11, 2019
THE QUESTION: This category was first added to the Grammy’s in 1989. It was not televised and all nominated artists boycotted…?
February 7, 2019
THE QUESTION: The average woman thinks about this 58 times a day and the average man thinks about it 40 times a day…?
February 6, 2019
THE QUESTION: 18% of us panic when we see one of these while driving…?
February 5, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is the most popular Girl Scout cookie in Indiana as well as over 20 other states…?
THE ANSWER: Thin Mints
February 4, 2019
THE QUESTION: The average parent does this chore about 5 times a week. The average single person does it only once…?
THE ANSWER: Laundry!
February 1, 2019
THE QUESTION: Punxsutawney Phil will make his prediction tomorrow morning at what location in Pennsylvania?
THE ANSWER: Gobbler’s Knob!
January 31, 2019
THE QUESTION: 25% of men, compared to 18% of women ave done this while online dating…?
THE ANSWER: Catfish!
January 30, 2019
January 29, 2019
THE QUESTION: This artist had the most watched half-time show ever…
THE ANSWER: Katy Perry
January 28, 2019
THE QUESTION: Out of 55 million IS subscribers, 2.7 million users still get this in the mail.
January 25, 2019
THE QUESTION: Approximately 25% of us check on this about 5 times a day…?
THE ANSWER: Facebook
January 24, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a new NFL survey The Seahawks have the mist annoying fans. What team is second?
THE ANSWER: The Patriots
January 23, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is the most recognizable smell. Peanut butter is second and roses are third.
January 22, 2019
THE QUESTION: 21% of married men say their wife does THIS too much?
THE ANSWER: Complain!
January 21, 2019
THE QUESTION: This is true for almost 80% of football fans?
THE ANSWER: Rooted for the same team since birth!
January 18, 2019
THE QUESTION: Over 80% of women say a man is undateable if he has this hairstyle…
THE ANSWER: Mullet! Ape Drape! Hockey Hair!
January 17, 2019
January 16, 2019
THE QUESTION: More than 30% of guys use this product because they think it makes them look better.
THE ANSWER: Hairspray
January 15, 2019
THE QUESTION: 6% of us have broken up with someone because of this…
THE ANSWER: Post on Social Media
January 14, 2019
THE QUESTION: 25% of us say we don’t clean this out very often because we are afraid of what we will find!
THE ANSWER: Refrigerator
January 11, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a new study the average American would only want $1000 to quit this for a year?
THE ANSWER: Facebook
January 10, 2019
THE QUESTION: A study found that only 12.7% of women have this naturally?
THE ANSWER: Blonde hair!
January 9, 2019
THE QUESTION: In a survey, 13% of people said they would spend the night here to avoid doing their taxes…
January 8, 2019
THE QUESTION: The first Sunday of the year is the busiest day to use this type of app or website…
THE ANSWER: Dating sites!
January 7, 2019
THE QUESTION: A new sleep study found that 36% of us do this about 4 times a day…
THE ANSWER: Hit snooze!
January 4, 2019
THE QUESTION: According to a new survey 90% of couples with kids do this at least once a week!
January 3, 2019
THE QUESTION: 20% of Americans have no idea if their car has one of these…
THE ANSWER: Spare Tire
January 2, 2019
THE QUESTION: The #2 resolution this year is to lose weight. What is #1?
THE ANSWER: Save Money!
January 1, 2019 Happy New Year!